Chapter 41

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" And I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be, and satisfaction feels like a distant memory " - Arctic Monkeys

I'm laying in bed staring off at my wall for no particular reason, just staring. My thoughts keep replaying him walking out the door. I snuggle more into my bed trying to stop the constant memory but it keeps playing and playing and playing. My thoughts are interrupted by sunlight hitting my eyes. Letting out a groan I cover my face with my comforter.
" Ember it's been a month. " I hear Avery say with a sigh.
" Feels like yesterday. " I mumble. I feel my bed dip and the comforter slowly being peeled away.
" Come on let's go out. " She says with a smile. I look at her contemplating weather or not to say yes. After a few minutes I say yes and she lets out a small squeal.
" Okay put on your swimsuit we're going to the beach. " she says as she gets up and walks out of my room. I let out a groan before getting up and going to my dresser. After a few seconds of digging through it I pull out my swimsuit. Quickly changing into it I throw on some shorts and a random band t-shirt over it. Grabbing a bag I throw a towel in it and some sunscreen before slipping on my flip flops and heading downstairs.
" Come on the boys are waiting for us outside. " Avery says pulling the front door open and walking to the car.
" We don't actually all fit. " I state as I see the already full car. Avery frowns but smiles afterwards.
" The guys can go in Aces car and you and me can go in your car. Go get your keys. " she says shooing me off. I roll my eyes as I go back inside and get my car keys before heading back out and starting my car. Avery gets in and we start to make our way to the beach.

Music fills up the silence between me and Avery mostly because I don't want to talk.
" You've shut me out. " Avery says suddenly.
" What? " I ask confused by her sudden statement.
" You shut everyone out for a month. " she says and I know she's talking about how I took the breakup.
" I just don't think you should keep all that in. " she says.
" There's nothing to say he broke up with me that's it yeah it hurt well hurts but what am I supposed to do. " I say gripping the steering wheel a bit harder.
" Talk about it. " she says a bit frustrated.
" I don't want to. " I say as I pull into the parking lot.
" Well then at least try to have fun today and you know I'm always here if you need to talk. " she says placing her hand on my arm. I just nod and get out of the car grabbing my bag in the process. We start to make our way over to the beach when Hunter races past us Axel right behind him.
" I didn't mean to I'm sorry! " we Hunter shout before Axel tackles him into the sand. Avery and I look at each other with a confused looks on both our faces before jogging over to them. When we get to them Axel is sitting on top of Hunter pouring handfuls of sand on to his head.
" What is going on? " Avery asks with a chuckle as I pull Axel off of Hunter.
" He broke my sunglasses " Axel says as he stands up.
" I didn't mean to " Hunter says shaking his head, sand flying everywhere.
" Thanks for the help guys. " Crash sarcastically says as he and Ace dump all their stuff into the sand. " Hey babe. " he says as he gives Avery a kiss on the cheek.
" Whoa when did this happen? " I ask with wide eyes.
" About two weeks ago. " Avery says with a blush.
" And you didn't tell me?! " I ask and she gives me a look. " Never mind. " I whisper. Avery's phone starts to ring and she answers it taking a few steps away from the group as Axel walks over to me.
" How are you doing? " He asks giving me a side hug. I just give him a small smile as an answer. Avery walks back over to us looking at Axel to Hunter and then the sand.
" Um that was Olivia she's gonna bring Nova. " Avery says shyly. We all turn to Axel and he looks at us.
" What I'm okay with getting to spend time with my little sister. " he says throwing his hands up in defense. We all let out a small awkward chuckle and start to set up out stuff on the beach.

Avery and Crash decide to go in the water and Axel and Hunter decide to toss football around while me and Ace just lay on our beach towels.
" You know if you keep that up you won't be British anymore! " I shout to Axel as he catches the football. He flicks me off before throwing it back to Hunter. I let out a chuckle as I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Olivia and Nova standing there. Quickly standing up I say hi to both them and give Nova a hug and Olivia hands me Novas beach bag.
" Well I guess I should get going, call me when you guys get home. " Olivia says quietly taking glance at Axel and Hunter.
" You can go say hi. " I tell her and she just shakes her head. Before she can turn around Hunter runs up to us stopping a foot away from Olivia.
" Hi mum. " he says taking a step back scratching the back of his neck. She smiles and pulls him into a hug and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
" Hunty! " Nova shouts and hugs his thigh he lets out a small chuckle and picks her up and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Olivia looks at them in awe until her gaze shifts to something behind me. I turn to find Axel standing there a serious look on his face.
" Mum. " is all he says as a greeting and Olivia gives him a small smile.
" Well I better get going. " she says and gives Nova a kiss goodbye and Hunter a hug and lastly Axel another smile before heading back to her car.
" Can we build a sandcastle?? " Nova asks excitement in her eyes.
" Yes we can build sandcastle. " Axel says with a smile and she lets out a squeal. She squirms in Hunters arms and he sets her down. She grabs her beach bag before running to find a spot in the sand.
" Oh wait not that close to the water! " both Axel and Hunter shout before running after her. I let out a small chuckle and go sit back down on my beach towel next to Ace.
" Just look at them. " Ace says and I turn to him a bit confused. " Avery and Crash are so smitten with each other and Axel and Hunter are great big brothers to Nova. " he finishes looking at our friends. I look back over to them and he's right. Avery and Crash are in the water splashing each other until he pulls her in for a kiss. Axel and Hunter are helping Nova with her sand castle and just being siblings. A smile forms on my lips at the sight.
" I gonna miss all this. " he says finally.
" What? " I question my head snapping towards him.
" My mom wants to move out to California. Something about taking her modeling business further. " he says laying down on his stomach and playing with the sand.
" You can stay here I mean your old enough to live on your own. " I say to him following his actions and laying on my stomach.
" I could but I don't want to leave my mom on her own. I mean not gonna live with her I'm just gonna move out there with her she'll get her own house and I'll get an apartment or something. " he says looking at me. I nod my head at what he said laying my head down on my arms facing him.
" I'm not supposed to tell you but she wants you to go too, she wants you to be her main model. " he says pouring some sand on my elbow.
" What? " I ask for the millionth time today. I'm a bit shocked by what he just told me. He just nods his head telling me I heard right.
" I would love to go I mean California duh but I can't leave my dad or them. " I say looking over to our friends.
" Will you at least think about it I mean it'd be great if you'd come. Maybe we can get a place together... separate rooms of course. " he says with a chuckle as I give him an eye roll.
" I don't know... " I start but he stops me.
" Please just think about it. " he asks
" okay I will but no promises that I'll say yes. " I tell him with a small chuckle as he gives me a smile. He throws a handful of sand at me and I hit him on the head. I'm trying to get the sand off my face when I feel cold water on my back. I let a small scream as I sit up to see Nova there with a bucket and look over to Ace only to find that Hunter did the same to him. Ace looks at me and gives me a look which I nod my head to before we both take on chasing them. I catch Nova and take over to the water with her squirming in my arms. I grab the bucket from her and fill it before dumping it on her. She lets out a scream before bursting into laughter. I let go of her and she splashes around in the water. I turn to see if Ace got Hunter only to find him and Axel swinging Hunter into the water.
" That's for breaking my sunglasses. " Axel shouts.
" And for eating my chips before we even left the house! " Ace shouts also. I let out a chuckle and they both turn to me. They look at each other and then back at me before starting to walk over to me. My eyes widen as I try to get out of the water but they reach me before I can. Axel grabs arms as Ace grabs my legs and they start to swing me.
" Please don't ! " I yell to them and they let out a chuckle before letting me go flying into the water. At first all I feel is nothing but air until my body is consumed by water. I squirm for a bit until I resurface trying to get air into my lungs. Turning to look at them I see they threw me about six feet away from them. I wipe the water away from my face before swimming over to them. I stand up in knee deep water while sending them a glare.
" I hate you guys. " I say as I move the hair away from my face. Ace stands there with wide eyes looking down before looking back up at me. He pulls me into an embrace and whispers into my ear.
" I'll kill that fucker for making you do that to your body. " My thoughts tumble over what the hell he's talking about until I look at Axel who is giving us a confused look and somehow it clicks. He's talking about the scars on my thighs and pretty sure that the " fucker " is Harry. My eyes widen as they lock with Axels. His eyes widen seeming to read my mind as Ace lets go of me. He looks between us before turning to Axel.
" Did you know about her doing this? " Ace asks taking a step towards him. Before Axel can say anything I interrupt.
" They're old like before I left for the exchange program yes some are from when I was in London but they're not new. " I say quickly.
" Why? " he asks turning to me. I look to Axel also waiting to see if I'll tell him.
" I was just in a dark place. " I say quietly my eyes watering a bit at all the memories.
" it's okay you don't have to tell me. " he says wrapping his arms around me, Axel right behind him.
" I don't know why we're hugging but I'm joining! " we hear Hunter yell before he joins the group hug.
" Count us in too! " Avery shouts as her and Crash join but Crash puts too much force and we end up toppling over into the water. One by one we sit up in the water, it barely reaching our shoulders or in Hunter case his chin.
" You guys are stoopid. " we hear Nova say above us. We look up to see her with her hands on her hips and smile on her face. Hunter grabs and starts to tickle her as she lets out a shriek before giggling. We laugh at their little interaction when I feel a hand intwine with mine underwater giving it a squeeze. I look to see that it's Ace and I give him a small smile which he returns. We turn back to the group joining into the conversation.

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