Chapter 29

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A single moment of misunderstanding is so poisonous , that it makes us forget all the hundred lovable moments spent together within a minute.

"Hey dad I'm home." I tell him walking through the house and to the kitchen to hear people talking. "Hey darling. Where were you?" He asks. "Umm detention." I say standing awkwardly in the kitchen. "Dad who is this." I ask nodding towards the lady sitting across from him. "Oh sorry Ember this is Olivia , Olivia this is my daughter Ember." He says introducing us. "Hi." I say curious as to why she's standing in the kitchen with my dad. "Hi me and my family just moved in 2 months ago and I was just thanking him for fixing the fence the other day." She says emphasizing the family part. I just nod my head. "Well it was nice meeting you love but I have to go I'll see you all around bye Andrew , bye Ember." She says waking out of the kitchen. "Bye." We say at the same time as my dad walks her out. He walks back in with his hands in his hips staring at me. "What I was nice." I say shrugging. "No detention on your first day back." He says shaking his head. "In my defense it wasn't my fault." I tell him walking out of the kitchen and up to my room. "Get washed up and come help get dinner ready." He shouts. "okay" I shout back.

I wake up and get ready for school as usual. The first few days pass by slowly nothing really happening. I'm sitting in the middle of fourth period when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out looking at an unknown number texting me hi.
me: who is this?
Unknown: take a guess dollface ;)
I roll my eyes knowing exactly who it is.
Me: wtf Ace how'd you get my number? That's some serious stalker shit
Ace: No it's not Young, just don't leave your phone laying around detention.
Me: What!? No I didn't I had it with me.
Ace: not exactly... you had it on your desk. So when you turned to talk to Ashley I decided to put my number in it.
FYI put a passcode on it.
Me: her name is Avery and why the fuck would you do that.
Ace: boredom
Me: -_-
The bell rings and I gather my things and start to walk out of class and to my next one. Which is art. With Ace. Kill me now. I walk in and he's sitting there a smirk on his lips as he texts away on his phone. I sit down in my seat next to him looking over at him.
" Who you texting? Your girlfriend? " I ask with a snicker pulling out my sketchbook.
" Woah since when are you my girlfriend ? " he says turning to me with a smirk. I roll my eyes at him and pull out my phone seeing that he has sent me multiple messages.
" Are you not gonna look at those? " he asks as I put my phone away.
" Nope. "
" But there was a question in there. "
I look at him and he's looking straight at me. I let out a huff as I pull out my phone and look through the messages. The only question that pops out is ' hang out after school today? '
" No " I say to him locking my phone and putting it in my pocket.
" Why not? "
" Because I look forward to Friday's because I don't have to see you over the weekend. "
" ouch but I have your number " he says with a smirk.
" Then consider yourself blocked " I say with a smile that makes his smirk fade away instantly.
" Come on Young lets just hang out after school today. "
" Why? Why do you constantly ask me, don't you have friends? "
" Well most of them just use me because I'm Ace Kingston, Gisele Kingstons son but you don't see me like that you treat me like you would anybody else that would annoy you. That's why I constantly ask you. " he says turning to the front.
" But I guess I have to stop since you honestly don't give a crap about me. " he says under his breath. I stare at him for a while not really sure what to say. He pulls out his sketchbook and starts to draw in it not really paying attention to what he's drawing. I honestly forgot that his mom was famous, never thinking that people would actually use him because of that.
" fine. " I finally say after a few minutes.
" What? " he asks as he stops drawing and looks at me.
" I'll hang out with you after school today. " I say. He doesn't answer but just gives me a smile. We sit in silence for the rest of the class period just drawing in our sketch books until the bell rings. I stuff my sketch book into my bag and start to head out of class when I feel someone pull me the opposite direction of the cafeteria towards the exit of the school.
" Ace lunch is that way. " I say trying to get out of his hold.
" The mall is this way. " he says pointing towards the exit.
" Ace don't forget about school you know it's still going on "
" We can skip the last two periods won't do us any harm. " he says giving me a smile. I let out a sigh and decide to just follow him because it will be easier then to try to convince him to wait. We walk out and I pull out my keys only to have them snatched by Ace.
" We're taking my car. "
" We're ? I thought we could just meet up there. " I say trying to grab my keys but he holds them up in the air out of my reach.
" Why when we can ride together. " he says stuffing my keys into his pocket and walking to what I guess is his car. I let out a groan following behind him as he opens the passenger door to what I believe is his car. "After you my lady." "Thanks." I smile getting in as he walks over to his side and gets in and starts the car. "So you ready for me to rock your world." He asks with a grin on his face. "Okay one don't ever say that again and secondly try not to kill me or get me arrested." I say back to him. "No promises Young." He says laughing as he pulls out of the parking lot. "Wonderful." I text my dad telling him I'm hanging out with a friend and I would be back later. I reach over to change the radio station but he hits my hand. "Ow what the hell was that for." I ask rubbing my hand. "Don't touch the radio ever." He says waving his finger in my face. "That's all you had to say gosh." He finally turns it to some rock station we pull up to the mall. "The mall, what are we 12?" I ask with a small chuckle. "Hey I like the mall and we aren't going to shop we're going to have fun." he says with a mischievous grin. I'm going to get arrested I can feel it.

*couple of hours later*

After running through the mall and scaring old ladies and getting piggy back rides we finally get kicked out
We both double over laughing as soon as we are shoved out of the mall doors.
"Oh my god." He says in-between laughs. I can't help but laugh at his laugh. "What." he asks in between laughter holding his stomach. "Nothin it's just your laugh is funny." I say looking down at the ground as we walk near his car. He doesn't say anything he just opens the door for me and we get in. We pull into a driveway to a house or more like mansion and I gasp at how big it is. "This is yours?" I ask getting out."Yeah well me and my moms." he says shrugging. "Nice." I tell him as we step into the living room. "Thanks. So I'm going to cook you dinner." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "So you can cook now?" I ask dropping my purse on the couch. "Yeah I'm okay." He says walking into the kitchen. I follow behind him sitting on the bar stool. He grabs pancake mix, syrup, and bacon. "So breakfast for dinner?" I ask "Yeah it's my specialty." He says shooting me a wink. "Pig." I say rolling my eyes.
"Hey we've been getting along so far no need for name calling." He says pouring the batter onto the skillet. "Aww did I hurt your feelings?" I ask sarcasm clearly laced in my voice. "Maybe." Is all he says with a fake pout. Pretty soon our " Breakfast " dinner is finished and we sit at the table eating away. "You know it's not that bad." I tell him. " Wait is Ember Young giving me a compliment." He says like he's flustered. "Don't get excited it was one out of the many insults."
"True and thank you."
We finish up and put the dishes in the sink. Heading up stairs to his movie room. "So pick a movie?" He says walking me over to his movie wall. I look over the many movies getting a little over whelmed with all of the choices. I look up at the wall then down at the tablet which also has many movie selections. "Umm how bout The Breakfast club." I say handing him the tablet. "Your such a girl." he says pulling up the movie."Well I do have a vagina." I tell him taking a seat on the couch. "Well god I hope so." he says back. "And if I didn't?"
"Then we may have a problem." He says sitting really close to me. I roll my eyes as the movie starts. Somehow through the movie his head ends up on my lap , surprisingly we don't argue throughout the whole movie. After the movie is over he sits up and stops it. "I think we have to take a picture cause this is the longest we have gone without fighting." I tell him grabbing my phone and pull his big head close so I can snap the picture and I post it on Instagram "See we do love each other sometimes : it's been about 2 hours since we fought its a major goal for us." I post it and head downstairs to grab more food.


I get back from visiting some old friends and I lay on my bed exhausted from my day. I get on Instagram and I'm scrolling through my feed when I see a picture of Ember and a guy with the word love in the caption.
"What the fuck."

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