Bonus Chapter

64 2 0

Harry's pov

I wait outside the dressing room with some of Katie's friends who are chattering amongst themselves. I look around at all the white dresses and inhale deeply before sipping the champagne the store gave us.

" Dad? " I hear Katie call from the dressing room and I make my way over to where she's at.

" Yes sweetie? " I ask her through the curtain that is the door to the dressing room.

" Please don't get mad. " she says.

" Why would I get mad? " I ask a bit confused.

" You see I made a few altercations to the um... so you know it can fit and..." she trails off and before I can ask her what she's talking about she slides the curtain open. She takes a few steps back waiting for my response. I look at her dress and I suck in a breath.

" That's ... " I start to say but can't seem to form words. I just slowly start to freeze staring at her.

" Moms. " she finishes and I can't help the few tears that form in my eyes. " I'm sorry I'll take it off and I'll put back where I found it, I don't why I thought..." she starts and motions for her friend to help her get out of it. When I hear her sniffle is when I seem to unfreeze and form words.

" It's lovely. " I say and she turns around to look at me and I instantly regret not saying anything sooner as I see the tears in her eyes. " I'm sorry please don't cry you just caught me by surprise. " I say pulling her into my arms.

" Are sure? " she asks her face buried into my chest.

" Of course. " I say rubbing her back and placing a kiss on her forehead. " Now come on let's get home I want to show you something. " I say to her and she gives me a nod before going back into the dressing room.


I place the dvd into the player and take a seat beside Katie and pressing play.

" I always looked for this but damn you hid it so well it frustrated me so much when I couldn't find it. " she admits sending me a small smile. I just shake my head at her before turning to the screen.

Avery comes on motioning for the camera man to follow her. She opens the door that says brides room and steps aside as the shot focuses on December all dressed and ready playing with Katie on the floor.

" How old was I " Katie whispers.

" I believe 18 months " I say to her as we hear a fit of giggles erupt from the tv. We turn to see December tickling Katie before she picks her up and turns to the camera.

" Say hi Katie " she says looking at her and motioning for her to wave.

" Bubbles! " baby Katie screams causing December to laugh.

" Hey dad. " Katie says and I turn to look at her. " Do you believe I'll ever be as pretty as her. " she asks and I follow her gaze to the screen now showing December in a fit of laughter as Avery tries to keep the door shut from me.

" Sweetie you always have been " I answer her and pull her towards me. She snuggles into me as we continue to watch.

" I just want to make sure you're not gonna run away! " I shout through the door.

" Harry you told me to run away last time! " she shouts back at me the smile never leaving her face.

" I love you " I say to her through the door.

" And I love you. " she says as baby Katie wobbles to the door.

" Luv dada luv dada " she shouts while banging her small hand on the door.

" I love you too my sweet baby girl. " I say back to her and she lets out a giggle before losing balance and sitting on her butt.

" I love you dad " Katie says.

" I love you too sweetie. " I say to her placing a quick kiss on her head. We watch as December stands outside the doors to the church with her dad.

" Nervous? " Andrew asks her and she sends him a nervous smile.

" You know if you're unsure about this. " he starts but she interrupts him.

" Dad! It was one time and it was because of him. Plus I've never been so sure about something before. " she says biting her lip to calm her excitement. The music starts to play and the doors open and they walk in.

" What was the running through your head when you saw her? " Katie asks.

" How did I get so lucky. " I say with a chuckle. We watch the church part before it switches to the reception part. I can't seem to take my eyes off her in the video just as I can't now. Only smiling when she is and laughing with her. Soon the dance floor clears as the opening chords to our song starts. I pull her out to dance floor and start to move her to the music when she stops and searches through everyone before taking off and returning with a baby Katie in her arms. I grab both them and start to sway them to the music, laughing and giggling in our own little world. Just the three of us. Soon the song ends and the music picks up and everyone floods back into the dance floor.

After a while the video ends and we sit in silence.

" I really hope my wedding day is like that. " Katie says to me. " Hey dad I have question. " she says and I turn to her.

" Yes love? " I say and she looks at me a hint of humor and confusion in her eyes.

" Why did people keep thinking mom was gonna like run away? " she asks and I can't help but laugh.

" Because your mother was engaged before we got married and she ran away on her wedding day with him and came to me. " I say to her. " because for some damn reason she was in love with me and I was always in love with her and I couldn't just let her walk out of my life like that. " I finish and Katie lets out a small aww before hugging me.

" Dad, thank you " she suddenly says.

" For what sweetie? " I ask her as she pulls away from me.

" Everything. " she answers sending me a smile. This time I pull her into me for hug before she can see my eyes water.

" I'll always be there for you no matter what. " I say to her placing a kiss to the top of her head.

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