Chapter 34

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Sometimes people are the perfect distraction.
I walk upstairs into my room, my mind still running wild from what just happened next door. I lay on my bed trying to clear my thoughts while I stare up at the ceiling. A part of me wants to call Axel right now and tell him everything but there's this part stopping me telling me not to. I let out a sigh, covering my face with a pillow before letting out a tiny shriek. My phone starts to ring after a few minutes. I reach into my pocket and answer it.
" Hello " I try to say but it comes out muffled due to the pillow on my face. I take it off and throw it beside me.
" Hello " I say again more clearly as I sit up on my bed.
" Ember? " I hear a lady's voice say. I look at the caller ID and see its Aces number.
" Miss Kingston? " I ask.
" Oh sweetie call me Gisele. " she says with a chuckle.
" Um okay " I say a bit nervously.
" Anyways I was calling to ask if you are still up for the modeling because I'm in a desperate need for a girl and I was gonna call Cara but then I thought ' Ember would be perfect for this ' so what do you say? " She says out of breath. I stay silent for a few seconds.
" Um sure " I finally say.
" Great! Ace can pick you up tomorrow morning! " she says excitingly.
" Wait tomorrow morning we have school " I say.
" oh I know but you can miss a day right? " She says, hope in her voice.
" Yeah I think I can." I say.
" Great! See you tomorrow! " she says and with that she hangs up. I get up from my bed and walk to my Dads room where I find him putting away his clean clothes. I flop onto his bed and let out a sigh. I look over to him and he's still putting away his clothes, so I let out another sigh but louder. This gets him to glance at me.
" Yes? " he says closing his drawer and closet before turning to me.
" I have a question. " I say to him sitting up.
" And that is? "
" Gisele Kingston wants me to help her and model in her shoot tomorrow and it's in the morning so I'm going to have to miss school and before you say anything I already said I'd help. " I say a bit shyly.
" Well I guess I can't really tell you no " he says letting out a sigh and shaking his head.
" Wait how do you know this Gisele Kingston ? " he asks waving his hand around.
" My friend Ace, that's his mom. " I say and he nods his head. I get up and walk over to him and give him a kiss on the cheek.
" Goodnight " I say.
" Goodnight " he says and kisses my forehead.

~next day~

I wake up drenched in sweat and panting. I haven't had a nightmare in a while I almost forgot that I ever had them. I look at the time and decide to just get up and get ready. I hop in the shower and turn the heat up hoping and it can erase the nightmare. I hurry up and get out. I walk into my room and I hear my phone beep. I grab it off my nightstand to see I have message from Ace telling me to send him my address to pick me up. I send it to him and he says he'll be here in 20.
I quickly get dressed in a stripped shirt and some white shorts and slip on some shoes before heading downstairs. I walk in to the kitchen and find my dad eating cereal while reading the newspaper. I go to the fridge and grab a yogurt and sit at the table with him.
" Big day. " he says setting the paper down and taking a spoonful of cereal.
" Not really. " I say with a mouthful of yogurt. He gives me a look but doesn't say anything. We hear a knock on the door and I get up to answer it. Opening the door I find Ace standing there in sweats and a white t-shirt.
" Since we're not going to school you decided to not dress up? " I ask sarcastically.
" Says the person that's not wearing makeup. " He says back.
" Shut up I didn't have time. " I say giving him a small glare.
" Anyways are you ready? " he asks.
" Um yeah " I say to him taking a step inside and grab the house key and shout to my dad that I'm leaving which he replies with an ' Okay ' and then walk out.
We pull into the parking lot of a building and see a bunch of paps.
" They always come to the shoots trying to get a picture of a famous model. " Ace says parking his car.
" There are more models coming? " I ask and he just nods his head. We get out and make our way to the door.
" You know in the sunlight you look so tired. " Ace says randomly.
" Well it's early " I say sarcastically.
" No, this is like you barely slept like you had a nightmare. " he says with a small chuckle and I flinch a little at his comment. I look away and I notice a pap in the bush taking pictures of Ace and me.
" Unbelievable " I say under my breath.
" Well that's gonna be everywhere by the end of the shoot. " Ace says taking a glance at the pap.
" Why I'm not even famous. " I say tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
" Uh hello Gisele Kingston's son right here. " Ace says pointing to himself.
" Right " I say.
We walk inside and everyone's bustling around doing something.
" This way " Ace says leading me to a place where's theres a bunch of other models laughing as they are getting 'prep'd ' I believe is the right word.
" Hey look it's the newbie. " a blonde tan girl says with a smile which I return. They all say hi and I just give them a wave.
" Okay so back to the game... Who would you date from One Direction ? " a girl asks and I freeze. I hear them all give their answers and before I know it they are asking me.
" Um the curly haired one, sorry I don't know them by name. " I say my voice cracking a bit.
" That would be Harry " one of them says with a smirk and I just nod my head. My mind wonders to my nightmare where Harry had left me told me he didn't love me anymore said he wished to never have met me. Before I know it I'm breathing heavily and there's a knot in my chest.
" Young are yo- " Ace starts but I interrupt him.
" I need some air " I say standing up and rushing outside. I lean against the wall taking in deep breaths. After I calm down I sit on the ground feeling the tears in my cheeks. Ace walks out the door looking around frantically until his eyes finally land on me.
" Dammit Young " he says and walks over to me. He notices I'm crying and sits down beside me. I turn away trying to wipe my tears away.
" I did have a nightmare last night... " I say looking down at my hands. " It was about my boyfriend leaving " I finish as I sniffle a little. He looks at me and he takes my hand in his.
" I'm sorry " he says to me and places a small kiss on my hand. I pull it away slowly and place it back on my lap.
" Question what from that conversation triggered the memory of your nightmare? " he asks. I debate weather or not to tell him but before I know it I'm answering his question.
" Harry Styles he was my boyfriend or is, I don't know " I say running a hand through my hair. " I was in this exchange program and his family was my exchange family that's how we meet. " I say elaborating a little bit not fully giving him details. He nods his head not saying anything. We stay like that for a few minutes before I stand up and wipe the tears on my cheeks.
" Should probably get ready " I say and walk inside. Ace following shortly.
I get my makeup done by some people and then get told to put on a red dress. Once I'm ready I'm sent to where they have a scenery set. Gisele is shouting orders about how the camera should be angled and how I should be standing and how my face should be serious. Even though I try to listen to her Ace is behind her mocking her every order, that it makes me laugh and giggle. After a few hours of that I'm finally let free. I change and meet up with Ace so he can drive me home.
" I thought your mom was gonna rip your head off after the third time you made me laugh. " I say with a chuckle.
" If looks could kill hers would've killed me instantly " he says to me laughing a little. He pulls into my driveway and parks the car. I sit there silently not really moving to get out.
" Thank you " I say to him almost in a whisper.
" He's a dumbass to ever let you go " Ace says his hand gripping the steering wheel hard. I don't say anything just give him a smile before I get out. I pause before I shut the car door.
" Ace I forgive you. " I say.
" Really? " he asks nervously.
" Yeah just don't do it again. " I say with a small chuckle.
" I promise. " he says with a smile and with that I shut the car door and go inside. My stomach with a fuzzy feeling at his words.

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