Chapter 20

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His world came crashing down as hers almost started to shine a little brighter. ~unparadise~

I let him come in and I shut the door." We need to talk." He states. "You said that already so what the hell do you want?" I say crossing my arms. He scratches his head and I roll my eyes."Follow me." I say heading towards the kitchen. He follows behind. I walk over to the cabinet and grab 2 glasses and a bottle of scotch. "You want some?" I say pouring some into a glass." No I'm good." He says "Yay more for me then." I say with sarcasm laced into my voice."So what do you want?" I ask him. He walks over to the counter."We need to talk about Ember." I laugh at him."No. Now leave."I say taking a swig from the bottle."Yes." He says."No. Now leave." I tell him as I feel the alcohol running threw my veins."I'm not leaving till we talk about her." He says standing his ground."What part of that sentence didn't you get the no part or the leave part." I tell him. "No I got it but I'm not leaving and we are talking about her." He says keeping his temper clam. I take another swig now wanting to push all of his buttons."Well then this will be fun." I say with a laugh. "Get a hold of yourself Harry she needs your help because I can't give it to her." He yells taking the bottle from me."Give it back." I shout. "No now listen I need your help, she needs your help." He says walking over to the sink and pouring out all of my drink. I walk over trying to grab the bottle but he pushes me away. I look over at my full cup and grab it and drink it all, feeling the alcohol burn down my throat. "What happened she told you she loved you then took it back." I say with a laugh. "No.. what no I broke up with her this morning." He says turning towards me."Why?" I ask walking to the fridge looking for a beer. He shuts the door before I can grab it."Because I can't take care of her." He says "You took her from me you bastard its all your fault she's like this." I yell at him as I grab his shirt and push him into the fridge. He pushes me away and I punch him in the face. "Your an idiot Harry cause you and I both know that it wasn't me who did this.You did it so keep telling your self whatever lie that makes you sleep at night." He says rubbing his jaw in pain. I hit him again this time he loses his balance and falls to the floor. Every thing in me wants to beat the shit out of him but I know that would only make things worse. I pull at my hair in frustration and begin to pace back and forth. "You're only making it worse. You know we are our own worst enemy and right now you are being a grade a asshole which is only hurting her more." He says. I walk over to the wall and punch it. I turn around and slide down the wall pulling my knees to my chest. Sobs begin to wrack my body. "It is my fault all of this its all my fault." I say in between sobs. I finally clam down but I keep my head buried in my knees. "I tried to help her you know, I tried to make her promises that I knew I couldn't keep I tried but I'm not the she needs." I look up at him as he tells me this while whipping the blood from is lip as he sits up. I just sit there staring at him. "I told her I would save her I would save her from herself all I've done it ruin her." I say hanging my head low. I hear him laugh and it angers me. "Dude people like her don't work like that." He says with a chuckle. "What do you mean people like her?" I ask. "I'm like her in a lot of ways that I'm not going explain to you cause it's none of your business but I know what she's going through and I know what it's like to be in a dark place and you can't just pull her out of that dark place you just have to be the one to to show her the light and hope it lights that place up." He says. I understood what he was saying and I know he's right it's just hard to accept it from him. "Harry I know you love her I could tell the first time I saw you looking at her. That's the way every girl should be looked at. She looks at you the same way man you have to see it she loves you." He said
I knew that was hard for him to say so I just nodded my head he got got up a few minutes later. "Fix it before it's too late." And with that he left and I was left sitting on the floor with my thoughts.

* Embers POV *

I walk into class and everybody's head turns to me.
" December there are bells for a reason. Take a seat " the teacher tells me. I nod my head and go to the back of the room and take a seat at one of the empty desks. There's a lot of whispers and the glances at me in between people but I ignore. I try to pay attention in class but I can't seem to. My mind drifts off to many things. Most of them about Harry. I don't notice when the bell rings I just see everybody getting up and gathering their things and walking out. I get my things and walk out of the classroom.

It's lunch time and I just want to go home. All day as I walked down the hallway, I heard many whispers.
She's such a slut.
What a whore.
I bet she's just sleeping with him.
Why her? She not even pretty.
It's probably like a charity case or something.
Poor Axel, she doesn't deserve him.

I walk into the cafeteria with my head down. I sit at the table and wait for the girls. I see them walking over and Lily shoots me a smile while Blue and Blake just glare. What was that? They sit down and there's an awkward silence.
" So what's up? " I ask trying to get a conversation started. Blue scoffs before shaking her head and giving me a dirty look.
" What's up is this. " Blake says throwing a magazine my way. I grab it and my eyes widen, on the cover is a picture of Harry and me and it looks like we're a couple. On a date. They cut out Robin, Anne, and Gemma. I look up and they stare at me waiting for an answer but I can't find myself to speak.
" They're my exchange family. I didn't know who they were until he walked through the door one day. " I find myself to say. Blue rolls her eyes and Blake just shakes her head.
" She didn't get to choose who her exchange family was guys give her a break. " Lily says.
" But she chose to keep it from us and what cheat on Axel. " Blue bites back.
" What? No! There is nothing between Harry and me. Trust me. " I say my voice cracking a little.
" How are we supposed to believe you when you've kept this from us!?" Blake says motioning towards the magazine.
" We're not dating! For gods sake is that all you people do make things up! Believe what you want cause apparently you care more about what a magazine says then your friend. " I say standing up from the table and rushing out of the cafeteria and the school doors. I wiped away the tears forming in my eyes. All those whispers and comments were because of one stupid photo that says so many lies. I walk towards the house. The house that has been hell for me. I just want to go home, to Virginia. I just don't want to be here anymore.

I stepped inside and made my way upstairs. I heard someone calling out my name but I ignored whoever it was. I walk into my room and straight into my bathroom. I dig through my drawer trying to find where I put some of them. As soon as I find one I pull it out and look at it. I quickly roll my sleeve up and run the metal across my skin. Before I know it I've made about six cuts. I watch as the blood runs down my hand and notice the tears on my cheeks. I grab the edge of the sink taking in deep breaths when the bathroom door opens. I turn and look to see Harry standing there.
" Ember... " he starts but stops when he sees how I am. I muster a smile before darkness takes over me.

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