Chapter 42

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" if loving you kills me
tonight, then I was ready
for death the moment you
said hello. "
-r. m. drake

2 months later.

"Yeah dad we just got the last of the boxes in to the apartment... yes dad okay love you too, bye." I say hanging up the phone.
"Your dads really a bum that he couldn't help huh?" Ace says with a box in his hand.
"Yeah but it's okay he's coming down here as soon as we get settled. He insists." I tell him walking in behind him as he places the last box on the counter than we walk back outside to thank the movers. When they finally leave, Ace turns around and picks me up and spins me around. "We have finally moved in! Get excited please." He shouts. I hit his back as he puts me over his shoulder. "I am excited you twat now put me down please." I say laughing. He finally does then proceeds to wrap his arm around me.
"So take out because we need to buy kitchen stuff." He says informing me. "You mean like pot and pans and all that stuff." I retort. "Yes like pots and pans smart ass." He says rolling his eyes. We get into the house and I plop down on the couch that's in the middle of the living room and scroll through Instagram then Twitter.
"Finally moved in and it feels good." I caption the picture with and then post it on Instagram. "Hey can we order Chinese." I yell through the house. "You don't have to yell I'm right here." He whispers over me. "Is that a yes." I whisper. "Yes." He shouts. I flinch under his voice as I scoot over and he sits next to me.
"Moving sucks we don't have cable." He says staring at the wall. "We can't even watch Netflix cause we don't have wifi." I add. "We need to fix that asap." He responds. "I have movies on my laptop I'll go grab it." I say getting up from my spot on the couch and head down the hall to my room. I rummage through the box on my bed and pull it out grabbing the cord and head back to the living room to see the couch now pushed up against the wall and Ace hanging up the phone. "It should be here in 20 minutes. I'm going to go shower the money's on the counter if I don't get out in time." He says as he heads down to his room. I nod my head and plug in the charger to the laptop. I wait a minute for it to load and I type in my password. Before I can begin to comprehend what's happening I feel a pang in my chest and my eyes fall onto my laptop screensaver, a picture of Harry and me kissing.


"Styles stop I'm trying to do my homework." I say with a smile pushing his head away from me. It's been about 30 minutes of me trying to study and 30 minutes of him stealing kisses from me. Right now I'm sitting in between his legs while his back is against the headboard. My laptop is placed on my lap while papers cover the bed. I'm cramming last minute because every other time I've tried to study, Styles kept distracting me. Yet here we are again. "Come on babe just one kiss please." He mumbles into my neck. "You said that last time and the time before that." I say leaning my head against his shoulder on impulse. "Yeah I know but I lied." He says in between kisses that he leaves on my neck. "Look you can get all the kisses you want if you let me finish these last few questions." I say trying to reason. "Deal." He says. I can hear the grin in his voice. "But I'm sitting on the other side of the bed." I say moving from his lap as I grab my papers. He pouts and crosses his arm like a five year old. I just shake my head and start on my papers. I soon forget that he's even there cause he's so quiet and when I look up, he's biting his lip and focusing hard on something on the screen. I scoot back over so that I'm sitting in front of him. "What are you doing." I ask taking the laptop from him so I can sit back in my previous position. "I was on Twitter but now...." He says with a smirk. "But now what?" I ask tilting my head so I can see him. "Nothing take a picture with me" He says going to the camera on my laptop. "No I look all ugly and I have my glasses on." I say hiding my face. "You look perfect." He says kissing my lips. His lips linger there then I hear a click which means he took a picture. "Harry." I pout. "December." He retorts. His hands make there way up to my sides and he ends up tickling me. I can't help but laugh. Which makes him laugh. I don't even realize that he's taken pictures till his hand leaves my side. "Okay okay I'll smile." I say in between laughs. "Fine I'll stop." He chuckles. He kisses my lips and I can't help but smile into it and think this is my forever.


Im sitting my room at 2am in the dark on my laptop scheduling my flight to LA for next week. My mind can't help but to wonder about her. How she's doing how she's holding up. It's been a couple months and I can't stop thinking about her. My fingers are typing before my brain has time to process what's going on. I find myself on her Twitter the last thing she tweeted was about moving with a picture of her and Ace tagged in it. I feel my breath grow ridged. I read the comments and they all know, everyone knows except for me. They are moving in together. How can everyone know except for me. Anger fills me, I shut my laptop close and lazily walk over to the cabinet that stores what's been helping me sleep at night. I grab a bottle not bothering to get a cup. The whisky meets my lips and it doesn't burn that much anymore. I walk back to the couch and sit down with the bottle still clutched in my hand. I lay my head back and try to drink away the memories like I have done nights before.

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