Chapter 22

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" There's some people in this world who you can love and love and love no matter what. " -John Green

It was a long two days at the hospital but I had Harrys company to keep me sane. When I was being discharged I made a promise to myself to never come back here again for what I did to myself. I made a promise to myself never to go down that way again. I didn't promise it to anybody, just to myself because I have to do this for me and not anybody else.
I felt Harrys hand on my thigh pulling me out of my thoughts. I look over at him and he gives me a quick glance with a smile on his face which I return before he turns his attention back to the rode. I intwine my fingers with his and rest it on my lap, his thumb rubbing small circles on mine. We pull into the driveway and I try to quickly make my way out of his car to get inside but he has child lock on the door.
" Really Harry again with the child lock? " I say to him as I vigorously pull on the door handle.
" Hey all that's gonna do is break the handle, seriously what's the rush? " He says not moving from the drivers side.
" I wanna take a shower I smell like hospital. " I say scrunching up my nose. He just smiles and shakes his head before leaning in and giving me a quick kiss on the lips before getting out and opening the door. I hop out of the car and walk with him up the porch steps. When he unlocks the door I quickly make my way inside and when I'm about to make it to the stairs I notice all the lights are off.
" Harry where is everyone? " I turn to face him and he just shrugs with a smile on his face. I give a look knowing that he's hiding something. He walks into the living room with me following right behind him, turning on the lights.
" Har- " I start but am interrupted.
" Surprise! " erupts through the room and people jump out from behind things. I flinch a little being frightened a bit but a smile starts to grow on my face. I look around the room and see Anne, Robin, Gemma, Blaze, Cole, Lily, Blue, Blake, Crash, Hunter, Axel and ... My dad! " Dad! " I jump a little and then rush over to him engulfing him in a hug. He wraps his arms around me and tightens his hold on me.
" Hey there baby girl. " He says into my hair. " I missed you Dad "
"Me too. " I pull back a little and notice a hint of red hair behind him.
" Avery! " I shriek and let go of my dad before rushing over to her and engulf her in a hug also. I must have put to much force because I start to feel us tipping over and land on the couch. We burst into laughter as we get up, I look around and everyone's smiling and talking to each other. I feel Avery grip my arm and I turn and look at her.
" What ? " I say trying to pry her hand off me.
" H-ha--" she struggles to say. I follow her line of gaze and notice she's staring at Harry who's talking to his mom and my dad. I frown a little wondering what they're talking about but I replace it with a smile and start to pull Avery towards him.
"No- Ember don't- I can't- I'm not even dressed pretty. " she stammers. I keep pulling her as she tries to go the other direction.
" Harry! " I call to him and he turns to look at me. He smiles and makes his way over and Avery freezes.
" He's behind me isn't he? " she says her back to us.
" Hello Avery I hear you're my future wife. " Harry says with a smirk on his lips.
" Oh god Ember you told him! " She says turning around. I just give her a smile as she sends me a glare. We hear the doorbell ring and then a knock.
" That must be the lads! " Harry says making his way to the door.
" Wait did he just lads? Omg! " Avery says before rushing behind Harry. I shake my head with a smile and make way to Lily, Blake, and Blue.
" Hey. " I say to them looking down at my hands. " We're so sorry! " is all I hear and get embraced into a hug by the three of them.
" Guys- I - I can't breathe. " I say trying to breathe. They let go of me and I take a deep breath trying to get my breathing back to normal.
" We're so sorry, we were really stupid to act like that. We shouldn't have said those things. " Blue says quickly. But I just give them a smile.
" It's okay I forgive you. " I say to them and they flash me smiles. We talk for a bit until Blue and Blake let out two shrieks. I wince at the sound as they take off running. I look behind me and I notice what they were screaming about. Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn were standing in the entry way of the living room with Harry. They're eyes are wide as Avery, Blue, and Blake quickly ask them questions. I let out a chuckle and so does Lily.
" Come on let's go talk to Axel. " I say to Lily as we make our way over to them. Axel sees us walking over to them and he walks towards me taking me into a hug.
" Ember thank god you're okay. " he says into my hair. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tighter.
" I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise, I'm really sorry. " I say into him as a few tears fall down my cheeks. He wipes them away and gives me a smile. " I don't care all I do care about is that you're okay. " he says before he kisses my forehead. I let out a sniffle before I put on a smile. A real smile.
I'm suddenly pulled over Axels shoulder and he starts to spin my around.
" Axel put me down! " I shout.
" Not until I hear you laugh. " he says letting out a laugh of his own. I hear people laughing and smiling at what he's doing and that's when I feel him start to tickle me on the side. I jerk a bit letting out a laugh as I accidentally kick him. He lets out a groan before we fall to the floor. I start to laugh and so does everyone else. Axel and I sit on the floor trying to recover from dizziness laughing our butts off. He gets up and holds out his hand. I take it and when I stand up I notice I'm still dizzy as I tilt a little to the side.
" Woah " I say letting out a chuckle as Axel holds my shoulders steading me as he laughs. I see Harry approaching Axel and pull him away from me.
" What the hell! You could've hurt her! " Harry seethes.
" But he didn't. We were just having fun. " I say before Axel, rolling my eyes. Harry turns to me and his eyes soften before letting go of Axel.
" Sorry mate. " Harry says to Axel who just gives him a nod.
We spend the rest of the night talking and having fun. Everyone starts to leave one by one until it's just Anne, Robin, Harry, my dad, Avery, and I.

Once everyone leaves I walk over and start cleaning up. "Okay so OMG you my friend have made all of my dreams come true." Avery shouts at me. "And how is that?" I ask putting the cake in a container. "Um I meet all of them in one day at the same time and I didn't die and have a heart attack and oh gosh best day ever I met like all of gods best creations in one day and it was great." She says rambling. "Okay breath and I'm glad you had a good day. But you need to calm down now." I say walking over to my dad. She nods her head and walks back over to Gemma. I hug my dad tight. "Hey dad." I say holding onto him. "Hey baby girl. How are you? " he asked kissing my head. "I'm tired I had a long day. " I tell him. "You know we have to talk right." He says "yeah but not right now later okay. " I say in response. "I'm going to bed okay so I'll see you in the morning." I tell him kissing his cheek goodnight. "Alright night sweat heart."

I tell everyone goodnight and head upstairs. I get to my room to find Harry sitting on my bed. I close my door behind me. Startling him his head pops up. "You're gonna have to leave now." He says quietly. "Yeah I know." I say looking down at the ground. "And this means that you're leaving and I won't get to see you anymore." He says running his hands through his head. "But your Harry " fucking " Styles remember." I say and I hear him chuckle. "Yeah I am." He says. I walk over to him and stand in between his legs and wrap my arms around his neck. "Listen to me Styles everything is going to be fine just enjoy me while I'm still here okay." He nods his head.
I kiss his forehead and he pulls me into his lap. I kiss his cheek and then my lips hover over his and I can feel him smile. "Don't tease me December." His voice low and husky. I chuckle and I lightly kiss his lips. He bites my lip before I can pull away. His hand moves to my neck and he pulls me closer. He kisses me with hunger and desperation our lips moving in sync. I pull away and he pulls me back in and swiftly moves me onto my back. Our lips move in sync and this time his tongue slips into my mouth I don't bother fighting as I grab his shirt and pull him closer. His hand finds his way to my side and his hand grips my side. His hips move with mine while his lips start to kiss my neck. "Harry..." I say trying to get his attention.

"Mmm December I'm busy."

"Yeah I know Harry please stop." He stops what he's doing and hovers over me. "What's wrong?" He asks confused.
I cover my hands with my face."What's wrong is that there are people down stairs." I tell him. "So." He says smirking. " Umm no so I'm not doing anything while there are people downstairs." I say holding his face in my hands. "But.." "No but Styles." He grunts and lays down beside me. He pulls me to his chest and kisses my head. "I'm sorry. " He mumbles into ear. "Don't do this not now." I plead. "Just let me finish. I shouldn't have given up on you I should have been there for you if I was this wouldn't have happened and its my fault and..." "No stop its not your fault okay it's not and don't you ever think it is okay." I tell him and he nods his head.

We lay there for a little while longer. "Hey I'm going to go back downstairs and finish cleaning up. I'll see you in the morning." He kisses my forehead and walks out and Avery walks in a few minutes later. She climbs into bed with me and curls up under the covers. "Hey." She whispers to me. "Hi." I say back. "I've missed you Ave." I say leaning my head on her shoulder. "I've missed you too, home hasn't been the same with out you ya know." She tells me while playing with my hair."Mmm." "Yeah I mean school is boring and people well are people and nothing exciting has happened lately until today until I meet my boys." I roll my eyes. "Jesus child it's not like this will be the only time you will ever get to meet them." I tell her. She springs up and faces me. "So you mean to tell me that I will get to meet them more than once like multiple times?" I laugh at her and nod my head. "Not if you keep acting like a lunatic, now calm down." "Fine okay." She says squealing. She lays back in bed with me and we fall asleep.

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