Chapter 10

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Why am I goddamn so unlucky!

Why did I say that? It's because I am stuck with the main character along with his harem number 2, Sayuri Suzuki!

How did it happen? Well...


"Oi, Iris, do you want to go with us together?"

I glance at the man who called me namely Hansuke standing side by side with Lily and Eiichi.

"Nah, It's ok I'm going to finish my homework first"

To be honest I'm the type of person doing my homework in school instead of my house because when I get home I want to spend my time watching funny videos or playing online games.

"You sure? You know it's raining"

"Don't worry Grandma, I have my umbrella"

"WHO YOU CALLING GRANDMA!? Geez, you're so diligent! At least, take it easy"

"Ok, Grandma~"


Hansuke didn't complete his sentence when Lily shoves her hand to his mouth. Hehe~

"-Please come with us next time, alright?"

She warmly smiles.


I grin at her as she nods satisfyingly and drags the fuming Hansuke away followed by Eiichi leaving me alone in the classroom.

"Fuwah~ I can finally concentrate"

I continue writing down my paper while humming a melody until I'm done filling all the questions for 30 minutes.

"Yosh! Seems like it's time for me to go home"

After I deliberately kept all my things in my bag I immediately stood up and was about to depart, however, when I saw a certain raven-haired man sitting boredly on the chair it made my feet halted.

"Sato-san?... I thought you're already gone with them?"

"I was waiting for you"

He also stood up and sling his bag over his shoulder.

"Ya know I can go by myself"

I snorted.

"I'm worried about you"

"Tch! so overprotective..."

I grumbled yet shrugged it off nonetheless.

"Ahh! Nevermind, Let's just go home already"

I stomped my feet towards the door.


"Dammit, someone took my umbrella by mistake!"

I scratch my head furiously letting out my frustration.

"Oh no"

Eiichi react without even showing any emotion and that pissed me off.

"Let me guess you didn't bring your umbrella?"


I facepalm.

If this dumbass didn't wait for me I bet he's already at his house at these hours since Hansuke or Lily is generous enough to let him borrow their umbrella...

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now