Chapter 8

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"Miss Anderson, do you know the reason why I called you here in the faculty?"

"... Is it because I failed your exam, sir?"

Her math instructor nodded solemnly in a process making Iris cringes away somewhat feeling ashamed.

"Monday next week I want you to retake my test, so for the meantime I expect you to study well. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir"



Currently in the library there's a particular girl who is feeling frustrated about the fact she barely understood the book related to math nonetheless forces herself to continue because she can't afford to offend Mr. Hayato's expectation...

It seems due to this, her head begun to throb thus she massages her temple in circling motion.

Without realizing someone is already scanning through her notes she just wrote.

"Wow, You're terrible at this"

"No shit!"

She reacted, didn't even bother meeting his face as the outcome she receives a scowl nevertheless brushed it off.

"... Hmph! If you're having a hard time solving this equation, I'll tutor you... D-don't be mistaken! I just want to repay the ticket you brought for me before at the movie theater!! Do you understand!?"

Iris nose scrunches, disturbed by his abrupt behavior acting tsundere all of sudden like his sister, Cheska.

"Go away! I didn't ask you in the first place!!"

"You!... Why are you so impudent!?"

"I don't know, probably because you're annoying!"

Hideki who is quivering furiously by the girl statement merely swallowed his resentment towards her.

"You solve this equation incorrectly. You should subtract the exponent first because this item is in the quotient property, it's even in the rule of exponent"

"... Sh*t!"


"... I forgot there's a rule in exponent..."

Hideki gazes upon her, feeling unbelievable!


"So far, so good, I believe you're already improving"

"... zzzzz"

"... Hey! Don't just fell asleep"

"Zzzzz... Mmmh... Zzz"


Hideki concedes then deeply sighs reckoning that this girl is hopeless at the same time careless for being defenseless.

His eyes wondered at her sleeping figure while contemplating that despite her face looks ordinary there this charm within her make this girl more attractive yet couldn't grasp what is it?...

For some reason he has this perceiving an urgency of wanting to cherish her.

Because he was occupied by his thoughts little by little his hand unconsciously reached her.


Someone lifts up his hand making him cease.

"What do you think you're doing to someone who is napping?"

A voice of a man sternly questions him.

Since the tone is loud enough, Iris woke up, in addition, she stumbled across them on their current situations though ignores it.

"Yawn~ Sato-san, why are you here?"

"Hansuke told me to ask you, if you want to accompany us on our way back home? Since after all we're going in the same direction"


Iris instantly piled the few books she borrowed followed by hoisting them up, to return it from their respective shelf while leaving the two boys behind.



Hideki with frowning face yank his hand away from the raven-haired furiously.

"I know you're lying... That's not truly the reason why you're here!"

Eiichi who was newly found out by Hideki only remains calm didn't even flinch a bit, generating Hideki getting pissed as well withdraw the place since he doesn't have a mood to argue Eiichi.

However, at the moment He left it also prevailed him questioning himself regarding his confusing action earlier.

"Why did I intend to touch her head earlier?"

Yet stay unanswered.

After Hideki is already out of sight, Iris also just arrived.

"He left without even saying goodbye, huh?"

She grumbled.

"... By the way, why didn't you inform us you've failed the test in math?"

"Just because"

"Is that so?... Then, I will also assist you to study, starting tomorrow"

After hearing this declaration Iris broke into a cold sweat and begun refusing him several times but keeps insisting on her til he succeeded persuading her, however, she has a condition. He will tutor her not in school but at her house which he kindly agreed.

There's an exact reason for this condition is to prevent Eiichi harem members from misunderstanding them, moreover, she doesn't want to deal with those thirsty thots.

"I think we should go now, Hansuke is waiting"

"... About that... Hansuke just texted me that his mother recently called him to come home quickly since it's urgent"

"So, for short he couldn't come with us today?"

"Unfortunately yes"

A bit of disappointment wash all over Iris's face, even so, shrugged it off, after all the person has reasons.

"Oh well... I guess it's just the two of us?"

Somehow, Iris is feeling hesitant, worried that someone of his harem will see them walking together and misinterpret it she snatch Eiichi away, which is not!

While the other, rather has this sense of euphoria within his heart unknowingly, nevertheless, like this feeling.

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now