Chapter 16

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"Iris, let's play!"

*Sigh... A wild brat has appeared.

How disrespectful of him doesn't call me with honorifics.

By the way, this kid is the son of my neighbor, his name is Ryuuichi, he often bothers me to play with him every weekend or holiday.

"Sorry can't play with you, I'm leaving soon"

"Is that so? Then I'll come back tomorrow"

"Still can't do, I'll be gone for two days. I'm going on vacation with my friends"

"Ehhhh!? Can I go with you too"

"No way! It's pain in the ass to bring a child"


"Yes, you are!"

"I'll tell mom that I'll come with you"

He runs through the main door with amount of speed, leaving the house completely.

"Hah! Good luck with that!"

A few moments later:

How did it come to this?

I never expect our neighbor Mrs. Natsume just nonchalantly trust her son in my care, moreover, to a non-related person.

"Say... How did you convince your mom?"

"I only told her that you will take responsibility and she agrees immediately"

This damn brat! He dares lie to his mother, not even once I mention that I will babysit him!

"Ow, ow, ow shtap pinching my sheek! it hurcht!"


When we arrive at our destination I instantly saw the three people I was currently seeking waiting at the train station. These are Hansuke, Eiichi, and Lily.

And not to forget to mention that the passenger today aren't full.


"Iris-chan, you finally arrive but a bit late"

Exactly! And I wonder whose fault it is?

I gaze at the child beside me who is whistling a tune, pretending as if he didn't cause my tardiness.

"Oh? And who is this child? Is he your little bro?"

Hansuke curiously stares at the boy.

"I'm not a child-"

"He's my son"





I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now