Chapter 21

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||•Fight! Part 2•||


A bunch of my followers ran toward here.

"How's the fight, Banchō?"

One of them watches me eagerly expecting to declare that I have won, however... I was beaten, I'm sure some of them will get disappointed by the result.

"What's this b*tch doing here?"

A tall man steps in, mocking the person who defeated me......... I secretly peek at Boss as I witness several veins bulging on her forehead making an ominous expression scaring the shit out of me!

"Fufufu! You see this person right here won against the battle. That's why if I were you I won't ever call her inappropriate names"

My friend who has innocent look but isn't one warns them to be careful with their tongue.


"Does that mean..... She's our new Banchō........?"

"That correct! Right Boss?"

I glance at her with my silly face, she, on the other hand, showed an unimpressed expression and tried to leave the scene when somebody in the group rebelled.

"This is unacceptable! You think we will believe this crap!?"

The other students agree with him.

"Why wouldn't you accept it? That's the reality I lost to her because the reason is simple! She was too good at fighting-"

"-Or maybe you've become vulnerable weak........ That's probably why you got crushed by your enemy"

"YOU!!! Say That Again I Dare You!"

I was enraged by his word I unconsciously grabbed his clothes but my friend interrupted telling me it's not worth it.


"Hey, girly~ Since you defeated our Banchō, why don't you fight us all? I mean Oda-san singlehandedly beat us, why won't you do the same?"

This bastard!

"What if I don't?"

"Simple, we're still going to initiate a fight with you anyhow"

She exhaled expelling a mouthful of air followed by opening the zipper of her bag taking out a deadly item placing them both into her knuckles.

A legit brass knuckles!

"I mean it isn't fair to fight you all with only me, right?"

Some of them were unwilling to join but then brushed it off, maybe they were confident to gain a victory easily due to her stature but as I've said this person is tough, her strength is par on the Gorilla!

3rd Pov:


The same man who made a dispute earlier about the abrupt change of Banchō ordered the raid while a bunch of boys roared taunting her.


The newest-said-Banchō who was warming up a while ago suddenly formed her body posture into a fighting stance which is very well known in the world of boxing, a 'Southpaw stance'. Some of them were taken aback by how she professionally pulled that stance.

After one of them attempts to hit her she manages to slip inclining her head to let the punch pass, later on, she quickly crouched down and forcefully jab her fist right under his stomach making the guy cry out from the impact as he drops on the floor.

Immediately afterward, another man silently walks behind her back grabbing her shoulder, yet, she still finds a way to break out from his grasp by headbutting backward. Shortly the man's nose was oozing with blood and collapse.


The men kept ambushing Iris nonstop, but yet, not a single one of them was able to hit her even once. What was more shocking she didn't show any sign of exhaustion!

~A few moments later~


After the whole fiasco, the noise eventually settle down what replaced are the moaning sound from the student due to the injury. If bystanders pass by, certainly they'll misinterpret this place as a scene of mass murder because many corpses are scattered around.

"F*ck! I think I'm going to get expelled..."

Iris panicked and commenced a plan on how to dispose of them one by one but instantly dispersed that terrifying thought, she doesn't want to become a certified murderer!

"Don't worry Boss! The boys will maintain this confidential! this is our rule after all"

The previous gang leader grinned at her expecting something from her.

"... Just to mention I ain't intending to become your new Banchō. Never!"

"What? That won't do! It's in our rule whoever beat the gang leader, will become the new Banchō"

"Well, I don't give a f**ck! If you want an order from me, break this gang and never reform it ever again!"

Oda who didn't listen to a single word from Iris suddenly received a great idea.

Poor girl, he completely ignored her.

"Alright! it's been decided!!! We will create a new form of our gang system composed of three Banchō. The second position will be filled by me, the third position will be given to my buddy and Boss will be the ruler of all!"

"And there's more! We will be officially called the Tri-Leagues! In short of Triple Leagues. What do you guys think?'

Oda's not-so-innocent friend nodded approving his suggestion.

"That doesn't sound bad but not that great either. How about you Gorilla-chan?"


"Who Are You Calling A Gorilla!!!?"

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now