Extra Chapter

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||•After that previous event•||

"Those small things can't compare with your companion which I enjoyed the most"


"Oi!! Did you go crazy or what? Stop that you're hurting the poor table! What did it ever do to you?"

Tsk! Cheeky snot! Let's see how are you going to deal if I left you behind here and return on my own!


"And about your suggestion earlier, I think that's quite impossible for me to do especially it involves you"


"Besides, even you are an ex-delinquent my opinion of Iris however always remains the fact she is kind and sweet girl despite her temper"

💢💢 Arrrrgghhhh!!! Sh**t! Why do those words keep popping up in my head!? How to make this thing go away?

Kind and sweet? Yeah right! Like hell, I would believe those crap. Maybe he is blind because that isn't even my kind of character in the first place..... Is it?

Let's ask Ryuuichi just in case

"Oi snotty!"

"What? And stop calling me that, will you!?"

"..... Am I kind and sweet?"

"No way!"

See!!!!!! What did I tell!?

Ugh! And even retorted without hesitation. That hurt me a bit not gonna lie...

"Well, maybe a little... Whenever mom isn't home you always took care of me.......... That's why I'm grateful...."

"What was that?"

"N-nothing! I-i said you are the most terrible human being on earth!"

You want me to spank you?

Why did he get agitated all of the sudden plus insulted me, nonetheless! I just asked him since I can't hear his mumbling words. Sheesh!

"Iris I have returned"


Let's ask her instead since Ryuuichi's answer isn't reliable, maybe she has a different opinion about me.

"Lily, do you think I'm kind and sweet?"

"Pff! You already asked me that- oomph!"

I quickly cover his mouth with force while he struggles against both my arms.


I was stunned can't believe what she said.


"What do you mean, why? Well, you are the reason why my life is filled with joy... Did you remember when I have difficulty socializing with people due to my shyness, you are the one who reached out to me first out of kindness! And when I shared this problem, you didn't make fun of me but instead, you were listening with sincerity, and also told me you appreciate my whole self. Did you know how greatly moved I was by your words and action?........ That's why despite your temper I always truly believe Iris is kind and sweet!"

'Despite my temper' again, huh? It seems like It's time for me to learn how to control my mood now. But still... *sniff I'm so touched by Lily.

"Yes, I agree with Lily"

Hansuke's presence surprises me a little when he appeared behind Lily's back.

"Although you have a vulgar mouth, yet, you weren't rough of me. Furthermore, I'm still indebted to you when you defend me once from our class bully before. Isn't that enough kindness?"

Both Hansuke and Lily gave me a warm smile and they made me feel fuzzy inside.

"You guys....."

I feel embarrassed.

I immediately thought about what Eiichi told me recently...

"I'm glad that you were all my friends"


"Ngggh... That smile again!"

"You mean you always witness this dazzling smile, buddy? Wow! I'm envious of you" Happily said Hansuke as he pats Ryu's head messing his hair.

"Iris-san why don't you smile more often! It's so breathtakingly beautiful" Exclaimed Lily with expectation eyes while clutching my hands.

"HAHAHAHA! You guys are exaggerated"

Now that I think about it...

Is it just me or does Eiichi know me so well more than I do?

It kinda makes me happy to think someone recognizes all the little stuff I did...

"Those small things can't compare with your companion which I enjoyed the most-"



"*Sigh~ Here we go again. For the last time don't harm the poor table"

I swear this brat loves to tick me off

"What's wrong, Iris!? Why did you slam your head so abruptly? More importantly, your face is red! Are you having a fever?"

"Nothing to worry about..... I'm fine......"

"Damn it!"

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now