Chapter 11

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"Hey, Auntie..."

The young girl who is lazing around the floor called out her beloved Aunt which is doing productive, unlike someone.

"Yes, dear?"

"Do I have a phobia of thunder?"

The adult halted and blink her eyes, dumbfounded by her niece's unexpected question.

"... I suppose so since you collapsed abruptly twice last year..."

Bit by bit the tone of her aunt was gradually getting quieter feeling rather conflicted.

Plus, there's even more confusing to her which is a question she kept hidden to herself.

'Why it just happen after Iris turn 16?'

That's a quite mystery indeed.

"Eh? So that's why"

Iris finally solve the problem yesterday why she collapsed, yet, it's still a mystery to her what's the cause of her newly found phobia.

"... You don't know? I thought you already realize since after you wake up, you just pretend like nothing happens to you. That's why I feigned ignorance that I haven't learned about your phobia because I assumed that it's a pretty sensitive topic to you... So, I just waited the time to come you will finally open up to me"

The women look at her oddly.

"No, I thought I'm only stress or something"

The woman only hummed and resume where she left her work behind but that doesn't mean she is contented by her niece's response.

"By the way, what is Mother and Father like when they are alive?"

"Well, as a former hardcore fan of your mother, she is definitely kind and a refined woman. Yet, on the other hand, your Father he is the most dumbass of all dumbasses out there"

"Oh wow, even though your brother is not around here anymore you still have the guts to insult him. Aren't you scared he will haunt you in your sleep?"

Iris deadpanned.

"Psh! Why would I? Dead or alive we are meant to be enemies, if ever he'll hunt me in my sleep then we will settle a fight in my dream... Anyway you wouldn't understand our relationship as sibling since we love and hate each other" 

Iris however actually got her Auntie point especially she used to have a brother in her former life, but right now the only thing she can do is rolled her eyes and kept quiet about it therefore she won't expose herself that she's indeed a reincarnated person, after all, she doesn't have any sibling in this current life.

When their conversation ends there, Iris all of sudden felt sleepy thus she concludes to take a nap for a while, which her auntie didn't mind but only watch her with a warm gaze.


"Mom! Do you mind if I go out for a bit? I have something to buy in the convenience store"

The young brunette who is standing in the middle of the living room called her mother across the kitchen.

"Alright sweetie, be careful out there"

"Hey~ buy me a snack, I'll pay you back later"

The teenage boy whined which was return by a deadly glare from his sister.

"No way! You still owe me, 50$ twerp!"

The brunette girl huff then leaves the house.

Time Skip

"In the end, I still brought my brother a snack am I that soft? *Sigh"

The girl who recently done purchasing her needs from the store is currently strolling around the park that only has few people in it, to have peace of mind.

*Pitter *Patter

She got alerted when cold droplets contacted her skin which she immediately made a run, however, she is rather too late because the rain unexpectedly began to pour heavily.

"I'm okay if I'm soaking wet from the rain, but the problem is, a she-devil in my house will nag me for sure... But oh well, YOLO!!!"

She stops running and slower her pace followed by a wide grin plastered all over her face.

If by chance there is a bystander who witnesses this, they could easily tell that this odd girl truly enjoyed her time to the fullest.

For some reason the moment she bends her head down, unexpectedly, she saw an eye-catching sight which is a silver-golden ring laying the ground near her foot.

She picks it up and wears it on her index finger never thought that it would perfectly fit.

Her eyes sparkle feeling lucky to find a wonderful item on her way, however, little did she know that picking that accessory would bring her demise.

"Woah this must be a valuable ring! I can't wait to show this to mom"

She once again made a run, excited to get home immediately.

*Rumble *Rumble

"Maybe next time I should try to listen to a weather forecast for the best"

She muttered and shrugged it off the rumbling sound from the sky.

*Rumble *Rumble *Rumble

"Why do I have a bad feeling?"

She thought and began to feel nervous and run as fast as she could but...


The unlucky girl who coincidentally got struck by strong lighting due to the shining metal in her hand collapses to the ground as her heartbeat cease thus cause her to slumber forever.


Iris fluttered her eyes open followed by gazing longly at the ceiling contemplating her recent dream.

"That's right, I forgot... I was struck by a lightning and died due to my foolishness"

"... Death by a lightning"

"So silly"

She chuckled yet there's no sign of joy.


The adult worriedly looks at Iris after noticing her grieve expression.

"I'm going to the bathroom, excuse me"

Iris quickly got up from the sofa and left the room immediately without delaying herself waiting for her aunt's response.

After she eventually reaches the bathroom, she rapidly locked the door and sat down on the floor until tears trail down unto her cheek.

"I'm sorry..."

She grips the hem of her shirt with one hand near to her chest as her heart painfully aches.

She misses them.

Her family back in her world.

The love of her life.

She misses them so much.

Alas, without any second Iris finally brokedown.

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now