Chapter 6

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||• Rival•||


Somewhere inside the classroom there this girl sitting dully on her chair witnesses an unforeseen scene she could only careless about it since she already saw this in her previous life.

Heres the situation, two males who are facing each other are having an intriguing talk, in spite of that their conversation is getting more complicated which generates the bystander addled omitting Iris.

There's a reason onlookers couldn't comprehend them because a guy namely Ryuzaki, Hideki starts arguing Eiichi for not recalling him, his one and only rival since they were in grade school.

Unfortunately for him, Eiichi only remembers him as a four-eyed bully which rendered Hideki madly to the point he starts bringing up the past about how Eiichi stole his spotlight before.

On the other hand a raven headed girl erupts with complaints in her thoughts of how boring their trifling past.

So, she concludes to ignored the two and start gathering her stuff together one of them is scissors to juggle it for fun like those in carnivals...

She's insane for including that scissor.

"...Iris-san, I think it's best if you shouldn't involve that scissor..."

"Don't worry Lily-san I'll be careful"

Lily can only sigh hopelessly to our Main Protagonist behavior because again, It's useless to stop her irrationality.



"...Oops... my hand slipped"

"See! What did I tell you!"

Iris scarcely laughs fiddly at Lily whisper nag and abruptly feels guilty for hurting the guy cause by her recklessness.

"Who did this!? This is very dangerous!"

"Sorry, it's me..."

Iris meekly raises his hand while cringing her face causing her to catch in his attention.

"You! are you trying to murder me!?"

"No, it was an accident. Are you hurt somewhere?"

"Look what have you done! My hand is bleeding because of you! Apologize to me right now!?"

"💢 That's what I said! I'm SORRY!!. How about you shut your cute tiny winy mouth first and let's go to the infirmary then heal your injury afterward you can bombard me a complaint as many as you want"

Iris exclamation made Hideki flinch and automatically shut his mouth tightly.

After seeing him completely obedient, she took this opportunity holding his other uninjured hand in order to guide him towards the infirmary affecting his face to redden at once, however, someone compelled them to detached.

In occur, making Iris stunned by his rapid action.

"... What are you doing?"

"I'll guide him"

Eiichi quickly snatches the hand of Hideki and pulls him along, as an outcome it infuriates Hideki.

"What do you think your doing!? LET GO!"

Hideki forcefully yanks his hand away from the expressionless fellow grasps and stomp his feet away from them.

"No way!... Does Eiichi swing that way?"

Thus earning Eiichi a misunderstanding from Iris but was soon stopped by him when he heard her thoughts out loud.

"I don't know why you're thinking like that but you're greatly mistaken..."

"Woah! Are you some kind legit mind reader!"

"... Figure"



"And. We're. Done!"

Iris freshly completed mending the wounds of Hideki who's concurrently bored waiting for her to finish.

"How are you gonna pay for this!?"

"Hmm... let's see... I don't want those cliche plots I see in several stories using their own body to pay because they couldn't provide cash with many zeros... Hmm"

"What the hell are you mumbling about! I can't understand a single word!"

"Ah! I know. Are you free this Sunday?"

"How rude!! Tch, nevermind. Yes, I'm free, why you ask?"

"Go out with me"

Because of her candid response two guys abruptly reacted but in a different way, Eiichi stumbled a little while Hideki cough as his face is burning up from the embarrassment.

"W-wha... You are so shameless! how could you announce that straightforwardly!?"

"Why? I'm just treating you for food. Are you perhaps shy? Ara~ the young master is a pure child"

"You sandwich!! who's shy? I'm not!. Fine I'll see you this Sunday early in the morning"

The angry Hideki left quickly the infirmary room leaving the 2 people behind.

"Pft! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my God! Is that even a curse word, how cute"


"Iris-san can I also go?"

Iris's eyes went wide bewildered at Eiichi's sudden utterance.

"... Sure you can but I'm not treating you though, after all, I'm short of money"

"It's alright I have cash of my own"

After hearing the reply, Iris suddenly got a mischievous idea of making fun of him.

"Oh~ is that so? There must be a lot of cash in your pocket! Treat us some ramen this Sunday then!... Haha, just kidding!"


"... Seriously!? I'm just kidding ya know"

"Yes seriously, however, just the two of us, after all, I'm short of money"

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now