Chapter 1

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||•But We're Friends•||

"The hell do you mean I love tripping myself? I almost frikin died saving the life of a brat the toddler boy with his cap on from that big ass truck!"

And that stupid truck didn't even bother to stop. At least either check me if I'm alright or apologize and for goodness sake why the people are walking calmly as if nothing happens to me!!!

"Calm down, I can't comprehend what you're saying and about the toddler you mentioned earlier he was just over there with his parents all the time"

He said with a calm demeanor not batting an eye.

"Whaa- but I just recently save him... Oh wait"

"What?" He apathetically asked

Of course! I'm so idiot how could I ever forget that important detail this guy has a godly like power basically he's an op!. Damn I wish he didn't save me.

"Nah forget it, I'm just deluding myself that I got nearly accident... Well, That is all, I hafta go now, Hasta Lavista"


*Inhales Haaa~ such lovely scenery in front of my sight, wonderful cherry blossoms have begun to bloom as they swept from the fresh breeze essentially it is spring already.

"*Chirp *Chirp" Ah, Yes a piece of music into my ears, chirping birds are one of the best therapy to calm myself.

Yes myself

Ya see I'm not pretty calm right now when someone is tailing behind me, it makes me want to flip some tables. Since I am getting uncomfortable this kind of situation better asks him to end this.

"*Ehem Uhm, why are you following me, good sir?"

"I'm not following you its just a coincidence we goes in the same school"


To avoid pissing myself furthermore I quickly dash away from him to give some distance...

💢Now, what!? Why are you walking beside me!? Is it really amusing to piss me off, you son of b*tch!

"Pardon me but can you at least move far away from me a little bit because you're already invading my personal space"

I tried my best to maintain my very friendly smile at him or else it will fade, as I chant some repeated words to prevent myself from snapping.

"Don't murder him, Don't murder him, Don't murder him, Don't murder him, Don't murder him!"

"Is that so?"

He responds to my request by distancing himself but...


"What? You said move far away a little bit so I move a little bit"

Mother f*cker!

The gap is merely a few inches away from me that is not far enough! You know what! how about I just ignore him and suck it up, in the end, I'm the only one who is suffering.


Finally! I see a big gate that means it's the school entrance, obviously. As I walk happily over the gateway all of sudden someone appeared out of nowhere stopped me... Us, rather.

"Hey you! the guy over there"

The blondie drill hair big boobs pointed her fan to the person beside me.

Well, what do we have here? It's the harem member number one Ryuzaki, Cheska a Typical rich oujo-sama who loves to "ohoho" laugh.


The guy right beside me spoke while pointing himself.

"Yes you! I'm impressed a commoner like you has the highest score of admission test of St. Goerge High School Academy"


"What you didn't know? Ohohoho! Now that you have been informed, you must be thinking right now your a high almighty person but sorry to say-"

"Blah! blah! blah!! too much talking, whatever let's just get out of here I'm not involved in their story anyways"

I silently sneak out without them noticing and went to the bulletin board scanning every name of it on the list until I found mine.

"hmm... let see... assign classroom 1-A... alright noted"

I mumbled and begin to walk inside the school building.

Before I proceed to the school theater for the orientation, first and foremost I put away these dirty shoes into my assigned shoe locker and change it into clean ones. By the time I finished changing my footwear, I instantly closed my locker at once stroke I met a pair of coal-black of eyes staring intensely. I was startled by it

"Bloody hell!"

That swear was unintentional 

"Why did you leave me?"

"Why? Do I still need your consent?"

I scoff, can't believe this guy!

"No but we're friends right?"

Wow I'm amazed by this guy despite his great achievements, his pretty stupid himself when it comes interacting with people.

"Uh sure... It's not like we are totally stranger"

I said sarcastically as I leave him behind not bother waiting for him since he will just follow me even I don't want him to. If y'all curious why I didn't stop him? Do you think he will listen to me? He is stubborn as F*ck I'll be damn glad if someone could put an end of this expressionless bastard.

"Hey wait, I'm Sato, Eiichi by the way. How about you?"

I didn't answer him quickly, instead, I made him wait to contemplate if I'm doing the right decision giving him my name though it's not like it will cost me harm, right? Not much any longer I answered him right away.

"Anderson, Iris"

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now