Extra Chapter

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"Honestly, Iris needs to take it easy sometimes she's too dedicated in her study. I mean it's not a bad thing but still at least spend her time leisurely and have fun..."

My companion stated while feeling frustrated.

"Well... She wants to finish her homework as soon as possible, therefore, she will spend her remaining time on her phone after she goes home"

"That's her reason!?"

His eyes widen looking at me surprisingly.

"Yes... S-she didn't tell you?"

He facepalms and muttered incoherent words which I assume that he genuinely doesn't know.

Oh! That's right I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Lili Fukuda and beside me is Hansuke Ito, we are friends of Iris as well Eiichi.

Currently, the two of us were walking home together without them, sadly. Because Iris still has something to do while Eiichi on the other hand...

Speaking of Eiichi.

"Hey, where do you think Eiichi is going?"

I asked my somewhat rather grumpy friend.

"At school"

He simply replied.

"Why though?"

"Iris, what else"

"... Oh"

That's right I forgot, Eiichi is very attentive when it comes to Iris. Now, that I'm curious, I wonder if he likes her?

"As you can see Eiichi is already a hormonal teenager, he already found someone he likes, although, I'm not quite sure if he notices his feelings because that guy is so dense when it comes to love which is very frustrating to see. He doesn't even know his childhood friend likes him, heck! Even other girls like him too"

"Unfortunately for them, he already has someone in his mind, though that 'someone' is also a dense person"

I asserted.

"Agreed... Hey, I thought you also like him?"

"Actually I only admire him as an ideal person due to his great achievement nothing else... And also, I much prefer him to end up with Iris because whenever I see them together somehow I feel pleased like I'm floating in heaven"

"So you are like me a shipper of them too, huh?"

Shipper...? Wait, shipper is a transportation of goods, right? How does it connect to my statement? Is there other meaning behind it?

"Uhm, Hansuke-san can I kindly ask you a question? What do you mean by shipper?"

"Oh! It means you approve of their relationship... Hehe sorry about my nonsense"

"No, no it's not, in fact, it's great! If that is the meaning In that case I ship them"

I determinedly declared while a fire burning in my eyes.

Iris is the first girl I friended with in my entire life since most girls tend to ignore me, perhaps because I'm a boring person...

"What am I saying!? Iris said I am not boring, so, I must have faith in myself!"

Because of her, I'm also already close with Hansuke and Eiichi, they are nice people, I'm very lucky to befriends with them.

That's why in order to help my friends love life I must support them and do my best no one will get in their way.

"Yosh! Hansuke-san we have a new task in our dou-club and that is 'Making Iris and Eiichi get together'!!"

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now