Chapter 23

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||•I'll Entrust My Life To You•||

"F-fully Booked!!!? Bu, but I already made a reservation in advance"

"I apologize for the inconvenience, dear customer. One of the employees made an error at that time. As the head receptionist, I'm also partly at fault for entrusting this task to a rookie when she isn't capable yet to handle this well...... Go on, apologize to them"

The middle-aged women entice the teenager beside her who is currently feeling jumpy.

"Please forgive me!!!!! I'm incredibly ashamed for what I've done!!"

"It's alright, it's alright... But... where are we going to stay this night?"

Hansuke feels miserable about the news. When he gazes at us with gloomy eyes, I could guess that he is condemning himself for this situation to happen since he's the one who volunteered to search for a good inn. But...

"Cheer up Hansuke this isn't your fault. Things like this happen sometimes and we understand"

I caressed his back.

"But we have nowhere to sleep......."

"Excuse me, Sorry for the interruption but since I'm as well responsible for this occurrence please allow me to offer you somewhere to stay"

"Does this involve staying at somebody's house?"

"Yes and it's our family residence"

Nope! better reject it soon. What if something awful happens to us! I often see a scenario like this happen in horror films where a stranger offered a few tourists to stop in his big ass house without them knowing that the said stranger is planning sinister.

"Alright, we will take that-"

"-No thanks, we're going to sleep outside"

I winked hoping they will agree with my suggestion, but instead, they yelled in surprise excluding Eiichi.


I quickly put my arms around their shoulders to let them hear my whisper closely.

"Guys c'mon! It's not that bad... Maybe. And why would you even trust her easily? What if that middle-aged woman turns out into a psychotic murderer?"

"Yeah right! You watch too many gruesome movies. When we get back, I'm going to tell Auntie to burn all your CDs"

I was completely taken aback by Ryu's frightening words. Burn all my CDs he says? Damn little brat! Do you have any idea how expensive those CDs are?

"But Iris, with our current situation, something like staying outside overnight is a bit......... Y'know..."

What is 'y'know'? Don't leave me hanging Hansuke!

"And most of us here are still minors, don't you think the most appealing choice is to accept the head receptionist's offer? Right?"

Lily said with adorable Moe eyes effects.

Nghn! You big cheater!!! Didn't you realize I have a weak spot for your cuteness? Cursers!

Iris RESIST! You must!

"Pretty please?"

Resist!............... re..... sist!.........


"Gaahhh!!! Fine already!"

The three of them cheered and did a victory pose putting their fists up high. The f**ck!!?

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now