Chapter 14

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||•Summer Break•||


Presently, students in class 1-A were having drastic experiences since the beginning some are sweating nervously and the others were chanting sutras.

As for their teacher with a menacing look, fixes his glasses composing himself for a huge surprise he will release.

I must say isn't this kinda bizarre?

"Congratulation, all of you passed on every subject, as expected of this class none of you failed-"

"-WOohooo~ ROCK AND ROLL!!!"

An Unexpected yell initially came from the crazy gal was suddenly echoed inside the room affecting the people around her got startled while their instructor's facial expression instantly turned sour.

Oh uh... Seem like our beloved Mob-character got herself in trouble.


"BUWAHAHAHAHA!!! Can't believe you did that in front of our homeroom teacher"

Because Hansuke was being annoying for the past few minutes, Iris reaches her limit and didn't hesitate to slam his head with her hard fist.

"Bugoh!!! Ouch, ouch, ouch, that was painful!"

"Good! That's a little reminder of you to shut up"

Hansuke face whiten and went quickly behind Lily using her as a shield from the frightening ogre.

Well, he did also learn his lesson to reduce his way of poking fun at her otherwise his demise is guaranteed.

"So, what's our summer vacation plan this coming week?

Lily asked their opinion and was responded by Eiichi.

"How about the beach?"

"Great idea! Then I'll manage a good inn for us that is not expensive, of course. What do you think Iris-san?"

"Sounds good to me"

Iris felt reassured when she heard Hansuke spoke the 'not expensive' word.

"Ok, it settles since everyone approved. Tomorrow I'm going shopping for a new swimsuit. How about you Iris-san?"

"Nah! Mine back at home is already good enough, nonetheless, I'll still go with ya tomorrow"

"Well guess Eiichi and I will come along too besides we also plan to buy a new swimming trunk in the first place"

After all of them conclude going out together, Lily loudly cheered feeling extremely happy about her first outing with friends.


Iris Pov:

The hell is this!?

Why the harem members are all united?

"Oi, oi! You know it will become chaotic if those 4 are together, Right? I never imagined you're that greedy Sato-san"

I lower my tone as much as possible trying my best by making sure he's the only one who heard my rude remark since dealing with those women is a pain in the ass if they get furious.

"But they just followed me on their own even though I didn't invite them"


Somehow I pity the protagonist, I mean it's problematic if you have a lot of stalkers even if they are gorgeous species it's a no-no for me.

I am about to pat his shoulder however the next thing I knew my body bounce out the way.

Seemingly this bitch Ojou-sama intentionally shoved me hard.

"Eiichi I know a well-known shop that sells a good quality of swimming trunks, come I'll guide you"

"Eh? But the store you always suggested is mainly the famous ones, does that mean the cost is expensive?"

All of sudden Cheska did her signature Ojou-sama laugh after Sayuri asked that.

So arrogant!

"Of course! I the daughter of the greatest clan Ryuzaki would only acknowledge valuable commodities!"

"fufufu... Little sis, I'm afraid you've gone senile. The one who's purchasing is Eiichi, not you"

Cheska gritted her teeth and initiated an argument with her older sister, to make matter worse the other girls also began to involve in their sibling fight because the presumptuous princess said something offended to them thus they become chaotic once again.

Good grief! And here I thought I'm going to have fun today.

"Iris-chan, please bring Sato with you and hide somewhere far away from them. I'll let you know if they already left via text message. Good luck!!!"


"Wait! Why me!?"

And just like that, my question stays unanswered because those traitors abandoned me!

"Bear with it Iris, someday they will taste your wrath!"

I walk slowly towards Eiichi and clasped his arm catching his attention to mine.

"Shhhh stay low, we'll get away here quitely"

He nodded as we began sneaking out carefully.

But since this guy has horrible timing he sneezes loudly as a consequence the girls discovered us.

For heaven's sake! The luck of this guy is too slim.

Whatever! I'm gonna ditch this idiot.

I prepare myself ready to sprint anytime yet a powerful hand tug me and carried me like a princess surprisingly.

"HOLY SH*T!!!"

"I'm sorry... If I don't do this, we won't be able to escape them"

Give me a break!

It's not me they chase after!

It's you!

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now