Chapter 17

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"Here we are, guys! The Ōmi-Maiko beach!! Let's enjoy our summer to the fullest"

A bunch of youth raise their fist and shouted a cheerful comeback...

But except for a particular girl.

"C'mon Iris. Aren't you thrilled seeing this beautiful ocean?"

Iris covered her mouth and shifted her head away.

"O, snap! Iris is pissed at you!... Well, that was reasonable since you made her carry this onii-san earlier?"

Ryuuichi referred to Eiichi which is currently hunching his back feeling somewhat guilty.

"Exactly! What you did is simply mean, Hansuke-san!"

With that final blow piercing through his guts coming from Lily. Hansuke instantly got KO'd.

"Ugh...... Iris-channnn!!!!!!! Please forgive me!!! I swear I won't ever do that again!"


Because she remains silent all her friends got suddenly worried. This time Hansuke inspected her face to ensure her condition but something surprising occurs causing him to shriek involuntary......................... Iris puked

"Ehehehehe~ Payback time- Urp!"

Her companion's complexion change soon into white as a sheet when she's about to throw up once more.

"Ahhhhhh!! Someone Hurry up and bring this girl to the restroom immediately!"


After the incident, Iris had an image of a dead person who's incredibly pale while laying under the shade of a large umbrella. She couldn't handle well commuting trains, buses, etc. For an exact reason she easily gets motion sickness, moreover, it doesn't go away that quickly.

"Here. Drink this"

"... Sorry for the trouble"

Iris receive the bottled water from Eiichi and drank it slowly.

"Iris, we will go ahead now without you and have fun"

Iris stops her action at midway and shooed Ryuuichi away indicating she doesn't care.

".... Hey, why don't you try soaking yourself in the water maybe it will help you relieve your sickness?"

Iris contemplates Hansuke suggestion.

It didn't take long enough, she agreed thinking that it didn't sound so bad.

Iris Pov:

After I'm done changing with my attire I directly went to my main objective and finally succumbing myself to the seawater with the support of my floater.


Thank goodness it's working.


"Iris!!! over here!!"

I scan my surroundings locating where the voice comes from and there I saw Lily from afar waving both her arms with the boys.

Oh! By the way, did I mention that Lily is very cute with her current swimsuit? Surely, Hansuke is awestruck by her charm even more.


I started moving my feet and arms alternatively with the assistance of a lifesaver.

"Pft! Why are you still wearing that? For a tough girl, you actually don't know how to swim?"

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now