Chapter 24

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Hansuke Pov:

"Hm? Who's this?"

This odd-looking image of the back of a mysterious person is quite eye-catching. You see it was decorated with lots of... How do I pronounce this? Interesting stuff? Not sure.

"Oh? That? They said this person in the picture used to be the banchō of my current Boss' previous school"

"I see..."

Now, that I looked closely I felt familiar with it. Strange...

"But why did they take a picture of a back?"

"Most of the gang who used to be underlings of this person admired seeing the back of their former 1st banchō who they always followed around in the past"


This person must be respected well a lot by them. Moreover, for a small stature, this person must have admirable strength. I suppose that their former banchō is an extraordinary one.

"Oh! that's right. From what I've heard, the former gang used to have three banchō who were very close pals, but after a certain dispute between the 1st and 3rd banchō, it became somewhat bloody believe it or not they almost killed each other!! The reason behind was totally unknown though, even my boss doesn't know"


That some quite informatic..... Is it alright to share with others? Am I still safe?

"Hansukeeeeeeee-*cough *cough!!! WHY IS THAT THING OVER THERE!?"

Iris furiously pointed to the portrait, shooting glares at the poor man.

"Wh-wh-why a-are you angry?"

Iris calms herself and firmly gazes at the man.

I wonder why she's hysterical seeing this picture? at the same time, I'm reluctant to know... Maybe there are things that are better left unknown...... Yeah, I think that's for the best.

"I'm assuming you don't know who's that person in the picture, am I right?"

"T-that's r-right! It was boss's and the other guy's idea to hang in here..."

"I see... Thanks for telling me the truth. Now, I have to find that guy and those fools. Please Excuse me"

Iris gave him a smile and the man beside me felt relieved... Honestly, if I were to describe her smile right now it definitely unsettling one.

Not gonna lie!! that sure gave me the creeps!



Sorry, the chapter is too short😣

But please do look forward this coming Saturday, I'm going to update a new chapter.

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now