Chapter 3

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||•Let's Eat Together•||

"Hey Iris-san why don't you come and have lunch with us on the rooftop, Eiichi childhood friend invited us to join there and it seems like your always eating alone"

Hansuke offered

"Ahaha, no thank's, I prefer to eat alone by myself it's pretty calming though"

No way in hell! I would ever go to that dirty lewd place. There was this steamy hot scene in the rooftop where his childhood friend and he are all alone, all of sudden she kissed him by force and went horny imposing him to do a snu~ snu~ with her but someone interfered thus halted them their session.

I shivered when I think that.

Also I forgot to mention, that childhood friend is the harem member number 3 Watanabe, Reika a big boob sweet caring woman.

"Really? What place where you usually eat?"


Woah! That's so astounding I answered his question with a question.

"Nothing, maybe we can eat together with you there next time"

"hmm... Nah it's a secret"

"*Sigh... you're so secretive, you know"

"I can see that"

"Aah Whatever! I'm getting hungry there's no point continuing this talk we better go now Eiichi or else Watanabe-san will be disappointed... And you! You better also go now the time is running"

Hansuke with annoyed face shoo me away.

"Yes Mom!"

"Who you calling mom!?"

"Then grandma is it?"

"Just go already! Sheesh!"

Man! This Hansuke guy is really hilarious as we gradually got closer the more he was open to me and surprisingly, this guy has a sense of humor which we have in common. Oh! And that's not all, we also insult each other. I knew it we're going to get along just fine.


"Mamma mia, here I go again, my, my... Mmmh mmmh mmmh..."

I hum the song of ABBA simultaneously preparing my bento to eat. As I open the lid, a mouthwatering food welcomes to my sight.


"Let's eat together"

"Holy Sh*t!! Sato-san, what the hell!?"

"Sorry for startling you, I was curious where you going to eat so I followed you but... Why In the storage room? Why here?"

"Because I like it! Now stop asking the following question it's getting annoying and go away!"

"No, I'm eating here"

"Huh!? What about your childhood friend and Hansuke-san, you're just going to leave them?"

"Don't worry I already told Hansuke to tell Reika that I'm not going to eat with them for the meantime, maybe next time"

"Tch! Do whatever you want! just don't disturb me"

He sat beside me then begun to prepare his bento and after that he glances over my bento.

"That looks good, did you made this?"

"Hah! Sato, Sato, your so naive. If ever you taste the food that I prepared in the kitchen then you are already long dead"

"So you can't cook-"

"Nonsense! Of course, I can cook it's just the result will turn into a black"


He strangely stared at me for a few seconds but not much any longer he shifts his head to his bento and starts eating silently.


"What's wrong?"

He glances at me with an inkling of worry in his voice except for his face it is still rigid.

"Auntie put a fried fish in my bento!"

"...But fish are nutritious and delicious too"

"Well I don't give a damn! It stinks. If you like it then you eat it"

I motion my bento telling him to eat it.

"... How about we exchange foods. I'll give you my tempura"

"Nah! I'm good!"

"I insist"

"No, I'm allergic to shellfish"


He gave up and obediently settle eating my fried fish.

Time Skip

3rd Pov:

"Iris-san, I think it's time for us to go now, we only have 30 minutes left before the class will commence"

Eiichi stared at the girl who is laughing happily watching meme on her mobile phone about 4 African guys dancing while carrying the coffin.

"Hahah- Ah yes, just a sec, I'll keep my things first"

"Alright, I will wait-"

Before Eiichi stand all of sudden he slipped because his legs went numb from sitting on the floor.


Both his hand's slam to the floor between his arms is a girl frowning her eyes who's color like the ocean and kissable lips that pursed.

"Really!? You F*ckin kidding! So cliche! A typical accident like those kabedon shit but this time yukadon because we're on the floor! This is B*lsh*t!! MOVE!!"

Eiichi did what as he told to do, after moving away from her, he recalled her reaction earlier and contemplate it. Regardless of the awkward situation, she still manages to fume, it was really amusing for him seeing her like that.

While the other is entertain the other one is rather pissed.

"I remember that scene one time in the manga he accidentally yukadon that 4th harem member. The girl was slightly blushing, unexpectedly she circles her arms around his neck then french kissing him. Ew just ew"

Iris face turn into disgust look, thinking that unsightly image.

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now