Chapter 18

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||•Mysterious Man?¿•||

Lately, on the Ōmi-Maiko beach, Iris and her friends were now resting in their specific place after playing in the ocean earlier. Iris however doesn't feel relax at all, when someone is eyeing her back viciously.

"Lily, want to grab some food? I'm kinda hungry"

"Ugh! I'm going to find some excuse to adios out of here! can't stand those glares, it's like it bores holes deep into my soul"


"Don't forget to get me a Yakisoba bread, Iris"

Shortly a vein pops out at Iris's head getting irritated by the youngster's behavior. Truly miserable, the nuisance in Iris's life keeps piling up, it already exhausted her to the point she doesn't have energy left to argue.

"Yeah, yeah your HIGHNESS!!! Let's go, Lily, before I'll completely beat the sh*t out somebody's ass"

Lily on the other hand only laugh awkwardly and agreed in the end, she worries a bloodbath will occur if they don't leave anytime soon.


"Iris-san, why is Reika getting hostile at you all of sudden?"

Iris shrugged her shoulder and proceeds to nibble her spoon with shaved ice strawberry flavor. She surmises that it's pointless analyzing the exact cause when she didn't even remember doing anything wrong to Reika.

"By the way Lily, What do you think of Hansuke?"


"Come on don't be shy"

"Erm........ He's incredibly thoughtful..... An honest man, and a sensible gentleman. Oh! And also, he is very entertaining to be with......."

Lily ceases for a moment as she softly smiles while closing her twinkling eyes visualizing the image of the guy she was referring to. Then, she resumes talking again.

"Honestly, after we got closer to each other, I experience a lot of wonderful moments that I didn't happen to receive in my childhood days....... With his fascinating personality, my heart began to open more. Without him maybe my daily life won't be vibrant as this recent days. That's why I'm grateful that you introduce him to me Iris-san"

Iris who is very calm may be acting outside, but, if you try hearing inside her thoughts she was secretly agonizing listening to her friend's heartfelt words.

"My eyes! she's getting more radiant every time she speaks! This!- This must be the Power of Love!"

"Lily, listen! I have something important to tell you... Like Eiichi, I appear to know also your secret"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"You two are dating, right? Hansuke and you?"

"............ Eh? Eeeeeehhhhh!? Wai- No, no you're wrong! Why did you come up with that kind of conclusion!?"

"Because you two are always together and sometimes I saw you two privately seeing each other. But It's alright~ it's alright~ I won't tell a soul because no matter what happens we will support you"

I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now