Chapter 2

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||•Call Me By My First Name•||

Finally! The orientation is already done I thought I'm going to die from boredom.

"*Tap *Tap *Tap"

Right now I'm just sitting in my chair tapping my pen over the desk waiting patiently for teacher to come. And the sad fact, Eiichi is my classmate plus he's sitting behind me, what can I do that's where he was assigned to sit.

"Eiichi!! Thank God we're classmate I thought I will end up alone"

Haha, bruh, you don't know what you're talking about. Didn't you know if you follow that guy you will just end up being the third wheel? Turns out your still a lonely person. Poor Friend A.

"Hansuke, long time no see how's your vacation?"

What a fitting name it really suits him Hansuke "A very helpful friend" Uh-huh VERY but only for the girls actually, since they will just make him a bridge to connect with their beloved Eiichi and strengthen the relationship with him.

"It's ok I guess, not that much Interesting... Hey did you already made a friend?"



"Really? Who? What Class?"

"Anderson, Iris our classmate. That's her"

I can feel their stare even If I don't look behind.

Tch! As I thought he already considered me as his friend while I don't feel the same way as him


Eiichi called out my name.

Turning myself around to see them behind while showing my best heartwarming(not) smile


I responded while my smile twitch

"Meet my best friend Ito, Hansuke. Hansuke meet my new friend Anderson, Iris"

"Hello nice to meet you"

He greets shyly



It seems like he has something to say but hesitate, if my guess is right, I think I know where he is going.

"Ah yeah, I know what you're thinking right now. You see my dad is a foreigner and my mom is Japanese so basically, I'm half. Sorry to burst your bubble though, even I'm half I look pretty average myself, after all, the color of my dad's eyes is the only thing I inherent and the rest is from my mom"

It's not like I'm being ungrateful with my looks, it's just, I don't think myself beautiful; nonetheless it's better this way because I hate attention.

"No your wrong I wasn't thinking like that at all, well excluding for the first part but the remaining part is not true! Your face doesn't look average, to me you look pretty though"

"... Really? Gee thank's and here I was, always thought I look like a potato never imagine someone appreciates my beauty"

I jest

"P, POTATO-"He surprisingly said but was instantly cut off by Sato.

"I also think you're pretty too, Anderson-san"

Sato, as usual, speaks with his stoic face.

"I bet If he compliments one of his harem using those words they will get turn on and fall for him more"

"Stop, don't ruin the mood Sato-san... Hey Ito-san!"

"Y, yes?"

"Let's be friends I'm sure we'll get along well"

I showed my toothy grin

"Of course! Iris-san... Uhm, is it ok to call you that?"

"Certainly, Hansuke-san"

I glance to the guy who's behind me when I felt him tugging on my clothes

"...Call me with my first name too"


"I see... Then can I call you Iris-san?"

"Whatever I don't care anyways"



First day of school, I'm already bored, I mean why wouldn't I? In my previous, I'm already a fresh highschool graduate yet all of sudden I'm back again as freshmen highschool but with different body and dimension.

"Uhm, Excuse me, you dropped this"

"Oh Thanks!"


"By the way you're the student who got the highest score, Sato, Eiichi Right? Nice to meet ya! I'm Suzuki, Sayuri!"

Well if it isn't the happy go lucky harem member number 2 Suzuki, Sayuri a female tomboy that also got huge tits. Seriously! what's wrong with this author of the manga? Is he perhaps obsessed with bazooka boobs?

I can't imagine what the author's parent reaction is, if they ever saw their child sketching multiple big size boobs, I presume they will get horrified and then pose like the composition art of Edvard Munch "the scream"


I immediately covered my mouth preventing myself to make more sound. Sadly, the teacher already took a notice


"Anderson-san, please stand and answer the first question in your textbook, you must be having real fun of my lesson... Alright, let see what you got"

All of the eyes fell unto me as I sweat nervously from their stares.


I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now