Chapter 4

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||•Why Not Make A New Friends!•||

"Ok class pick yourself a partner for your assignment. The task is to create a portrait of anything you like by using recycled materials. Remember to be creative and I expect you all to pass the assignment this coming Friday. Am I clear?"

Mrs. Yamamoto our subject teacher in arts amidst her strict look, ask us for approval as we replied in unison, afterward she dismisses us and left.



I look behind me as I raise my right eyebrow to the guy who pokes my back, telling me to partner up with him.

"Uh, NO. Sorry but I need to learn myself making new friends. Why don't you partner with someone else, okay? Bye!"

I left in a flash not giving him a chance to speak any further and proceed to the little girl who is fidgeting on her desk because a few perverted guys surround her.

"Partner with me Fukuda-san" Boy no. 1

"No with me!" Boy no. 2

"Don't pressure her! let her decide. Fukuda-san why don't you pick? I'm far better than them" Boy no. 3

I rolled my eyes by their troublesome behaviors towards the cowering girl. I quickly interject, confronting them to back off she already has a partner, that is me! and frankly speaking I told them how shamelessly they were showing their despicable desire obviously, which they denied immediately then left groaning to find themselves a partner.

After they left I darted my eyes to the little girl that I latterly save and gave her my sincere smile.

"My name is Anderson, Iris. Please to meet you"

I brought my hand in front of her offering for a shake as she shyly took and shook it together with giving her name.

Fukuda, Lily. The last member of the harem, a loli girl so far the only person who is decent out of all the harem members.

"A-are you sure you want me to partner with you? I-i'm a boring person though"

She sadly stated which makes my heart twinge.

"... You're not actually... Truthfully speaking you have this atmosphere that makes other people feel comfortable with you, also, to be honest, I always want to be friends with you it's just that my timing is always bad"

I scratch my head awkwardly

After hearing my reply, her current complex change instantly into a glowy one

"...I see... L-let's be friends then!- ah sorry for shouting..."

"It's fine"


As expected! both Lily and Hansuke will surely get along just fine I mean look at them they were already having a fun talk with each other. I was certain she and Hansuke will be friends immediately when I introduce her. Hansuke even convinces Lily to join his so-called club "Making Iris turns into a proper human being with morals".

Am I not proper?

"Hansuke If you're so desperate to make me into a proper human being, why don't you do that to the harem horny members apart from Lily!"

I sulked silently

Suddenly I felt Eiichi's hand rested gently over my head asking me what's wrong. I glared to this person's action and irritatedly move his hand away.

"Here you go again with your action have a tendency to subconsciously make the girl's heart go Doki Doki"

"Why? did I make your heartbeat?"

I stared at him accompanied by my dead eyes along with pinching his arm.

"No and stop taunting me your way out of character it's not fitting your image you're expression is way too stiff. Moreover, even if your handsome my heart didn't feel anything about you"

"...You think I'm handsome?"

"Oh right! I forgot you're an oblivious one... Let's ask Lily-san then to prove whether your handsome or not"


"Hey Lily-san, what do you think of Sato-san, is he handsome?"

Lily gaze at me stammering by my sudden question.

"Y-yes he is handsome b-but don't misunderstand Iris-san I wasn't l-leering him, I'm just admiring"


"Haha, what do you mean by that Lily-san?"

"Eh?... Because you two are a couple right?"


"No, you're the one who is misunderstanding"

"Really? But you two look like a couple since both of you are always together. Just so you know this was already a hot topic by our classmate"

Well it's not my fault! he is the one who is always following me like a f*kin dog.

"No we are not going out, in fact, we are stran-"

"Friends" Sato stated.

"Nice job for cutting me off" (Note the Sarcasm)

"I know" he replied.


"Oh I see... But you two looks good at each other"

Hansuke nods at Lily's opinion agreeing with her.


Eiichi asks them for confirmation. Instead of them answering his question I instantly beat them off


I Reincarnated As A Mob-Character In The Harem Shounen-Manga! But...Where stories live. Discover now