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from: fuckboy
4:11 pm

Hi I didn't see u after lunch at school?

from: fuckboy
4:11 pm

listen I just want to talk to u

from: fuckboy
4:12 pm

Please give me a chance to explain myself


alyssa groaned after she had read those messages, it had interrupted a comfortable silent moment between her and luke was in. they have been talking for the last few hours and not actually watching a movie, luke would be lying if he said that it was fine (because he really did want to watch happy feet) after that, well, it's not like they ran out of topic, they just stopped talking.

"who is 'fuckboy'?" luke asked, he could read the text clearly from were he was.

"who do you think?" alyssa rolled her eyes at him.

"...westley?" luke furrowed his eyebrows trying to think of fuckboys who attend their school because there are many of those species.

alyssa shook her head, "it's ashton, you idiot."

luke nodded slowly. why was he texting alyssa? he thought, she's mine.

"what should i say?" alyssa asked, chewing her bottom lip as she focused on thinking of what she could say, fuck off i don't need your shit, or, she was thinking maybe she should just talk to him, out of curiousity, that is.

"whatever you feel like saying to him." luke said kissing her head, making her stomach flip.


to: fuckboy
4:32 pm

what do you want from me?

from: fuckboy
4:33 pm

Holy shit you replied??

to: fuckboy
4:33 pm


from: fuckboy
4:33 pm

I just want to talk PHYSICALLY. can you meet me by my locker tomorrow?

to: fuckboy
4:34 pm

lol no

from: fuckboy
4:34 pm

Alyssa Give me a chance to explain myself please?


"alyssa, are you stupid?" luke said sitting up. alyssa almost immediately glared at him. "sorry, i mean please don't be stupid and actually meet up with him." luke knew that alyssa probably wouldn't, but part of him knew that she would actually do it.

alyssa blankly stared up at him, "listen, luke, you know more than i do that there's good in ashton, he's more than just playing tricks on girls." alyssa sighed, "i'll see what he has to say, that's it, okay?"

luke nodded, still unsure if it was a good idea. "okay... but i have to come to, i'll hide in one of the lockers or something."

alyssa rolled her eyes once again, sitting up so she was now levelled with luke, "lucas robert he-"

"it's just luke."

alyssa narrowed her eyes at him, "luke. robert hemmings, do you promise to make it a mission and stay by my side as we - together -," she points to her and luke. "fix ashton and bring him back to his old self?" alyssa held out her pinky.

luke groaned, "alyssa, babe, i have no fucking idea how we're going to do that but if he doesn't cooperate, we stop, alright?" luke grinned, "and, if we get one of those cool super-hero names."

alyssa giggled, "yes luke we will get a cool super-hero names for each of us, now take my pinky, you piece of bread."

luke rolled his eyes and smiled at her while taking her pinky and put his arms around her waist, while she rest her head on his chest, poking his belly.

"i want you to always be by my side, okay? i don't care where we are, whether in front of your parents, my parents or hell where your about to get attacked by a wicked witch, i just want you to always be beside me." luke said playing with her free hand. alyssa nodded and gave him a soft smile. this boy was making her go insane, she can honestly say she feels the same about him, but words cannot describe how he was making her feel.


to: fuckboy
4:52 pm

fine, when?

from: fuckboy
4:52 pm

Thursday I have stuff to do and won't be at school for the next few days meet me on Thursday during period 5

to: fuckboy
4:53 pm

okay,? don't make me regret this irwin

from: fuckboy
4:55 pm


from: fuckboy
4:57 pm

Thank You

read 4:55


lalyssa (?? im so bad at ship names help me out thnx) is so cute i

hi ok so i have this story all planned oUT WOOOOh

hope u had a great day/night/afternoon/dog(fck idk)

luv u as much as i luv luke !!!!-!

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