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"luke..." alyssa said dropping her hand from his face.

"i kinda jumped him," luke awkwardly chuckled which quickly faded away, "he pisses me off!" he raised his hand up in frustration.

"okay, please elaborate because i'm not quite understanding you right now!" alyssa frowned.

"i couldn't stand you waiting for him to come to school and confess love to you! i thought at first that maybe, like - whatever, but no i- it looked like you were slowly falling for him and i couldn't stand that." luke said trying to look alyssa in the eye, but hers was else where.

"what the f -" alyssa started but luke shortly cut her off.

"let me talk. let me finish. a few weeks - maybe months - fuck i don't know! when i over heard davina and ashton making up dares and god, i didn't know they were serious or when they were gonna do it! they knew i... like you and i've been wanting to talk to you for years and fuck." luke took a deep breath.

alyssa's eyes widen when she heard luke say, "i like you" but it wasn't the right time or the right moment to have a heart-to-heart talk. she was concerned about the situation.

"whatever ashton had done for you, or told you, it's all a lie. you're just a part of his plan, which is trying to fuck as many girls as he could before the year ends. davina, that bitch, has had ashton head over heels for years now! what i heard them say is that ashton, he needed to fuck several girls, get a girl that didn't like him to go on a date with him then fuck."

alyssa furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief. she didn't like, like ashton but she thought, or he made her believe that it was going somewhere. "why didn't you tell me?" she said and finally looked at luke.

"you seemed happy.." luke said.

"no i wasn't happy, i didn't like ashton, not in that way, but what im pissed off about is - the fuck! i was part of this dumb 'pact'." alyssa nervously laughed.

luke nodded, "i'm sorry for not telling you.."

"you better be." alyssa said poking his cut, making luke "ow".

"when i confronted ashton to leave you alone, he made me promise not to tell you what i know or he'll kick my ass in several ways but then i was like fuck you and then he did this." he pointed his bruised arm.

"then i practically made a speech about you and how to treat women properly and how davina is trash, that's how i got this." he pointed to his black eye.

alyssa chuckled. "lucifer."

"are you mad at me?" he asked.

"of course not, the cute little noodle that you are, basically jumped bad ass ashton, just got me." alyssa said as she intertwined her hand with luke's.

luke giggled. "you should see what he looks like."

luke doesn't regret standing up for alyssa, in fact that he would do just about anything for alyssa. his one true friend. the girl that makes him feel butterflies in his stomach, oh yes, stupid butterflies that at first he killed them, but now more and more came and he couldn't just kill all of them, so he started to learn to bare with them. luke was falling for his best friend.


i edited this during basketball practice B-) soZ for not updating yesterday i don't have an explanation, i had writer's block and watched gossip girl all day lmao.

i sit infront of my crush bc new seating arrangement and i actually have a reason to want to go to school everyday ???

remember to vote and comment bc it literally makes my heart smile everytime i see that someone has commented on my story :-') ily I hope you all had a great day!

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