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despite the fact of getting a 3 hour lecture from her parents about safety and how they are worried about her, because she had forgotten that they (her parents) existed and didn't inform them that she was staying over at luke's. of course it was kind of her fault as well for yelling at them and telling them that staying with them at home everyday means she doesn't have a life. that added more hours to her lecture. alyssa had never yelled or disrespected any of her parents before, so after yelling at them she was afraid they'll think it was because of luke and how he's an influence to her, thank god they didn't. anyways, nothing ruined her happiness wall that luke build up inside of her.

for the last few days, after luke had poured his heart on her, and after she had poured half her heart on him, things were the same. it wasn't awkward at all. nothing changed.

it was now thursday morning and she casually ran downstairs, seeing her mom sitting on the table reading a book sipping a cup of coffee,

"morning, honey." she said not looking up.

"morning." alyssa said grabbing a banana.

"mind if you could sit down for a sec?"

"depends if you're going to lecture me on bullshi-" her mom glared at her, "lecture me on stuff...that i don't need to be lectured about because i don't have time for that, mother." her mom raised her eyebrows meaning she was serious, so she gave in and sat down groaning.

"so tell me, if you've been hanging out with luke so much how's that nice boy, the one with the curly hair and fancy hat - doing?" shit, alyssa thought. she had forgotten to tell her mom about what happened. she wasn't the type of daughter who tells her mom everything that goes on in her life, but she is comfortable with talking to her mom about things like that. it's been a long time since they had a talk or she'd update her on life.

alyssa sighed, "well, he's a total dick."

"alyssa! couldn't you choose a different word? god, did you kick his ass?"

alyssa laughed, "no, i might." right then her phone rang, it was luke telling her to hurry up and get outside.

"have to go, mom. luke is giving me a ride apparently." she stomped out the door, grabbing her things.

"have a good day!" she heard her mom yell as she closed the door.


"i'm not sure you should go..." luke said squeezing her hands.

"luke, all he needs to do is talk to me, i just want to listen to what he says. that's it." alyssa squeezed back.

"just please be careful, i'll try to get out of geography to go with you." luke said, however he wasn't sure about that. while alyssa and a couple of few more students had free period, he had geography. and his geography teacher, mr. evans is so strict he barely lets the students out just to go to the washroom, even if they have a bladder infection. so this was going to be a hard task, but he will try.

"don't worry, if anything bad happens, i'll blame you for it."


the bell rang dismissing alyssa for her free period. she nervously bit her bottom lip as she walked over to ashton's locker (which is at the other side of the school).

she was surprised when she got there when she found ashton sitting down on the floor leaning his back on it. he was wearing his glasses once again, and his famous leather jacket.

"oh hi." he said standing up. alyssa just nodded. when he did, a girl popped up from behind him. alyssa was confused but then she realized it was, the bitchy witch herself, davina.

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