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month one of senior year

lucifer 😠
im stuck in lab there is a girl
who snorts every 2 seconds
im gonna smash my head open soon

queen alyssa
stop texting me i
im in english rn teacher is
gonna kill me gtg talk to u soon


"lucifer!" alyssa yells to get luke's attention. luke immediately turns around to see alyssa running down the hall, he couldn't help but smile at the nickname.

"hi," luke smiles, noticing how out of breath she was from running. he thought that she looks absolutely beautiful with her hair tucked behind one of her ear. she wore a baby blue dress which is strange considering she barely wears anything that will not let her sit down with her legs slightly apart.

"shit- okay, i'm such a whale," she pants leaning her head against the locker beside luke's. luke disagrees, to him, alyssa's body was incredibly built perfectly. luke felt disgusted by the way he was thinking, so he shakes the thought out of his head.

"tyler and i decided that we want to go to dairy queen for lunch today," alyssa mentions, avoiding eye contact so she does not appear to hint at anything.

"yeah well. i don't have money but i guess i'll come for the ride,"

"why? who invited you?

luke puffs, "oh shut up," he slightly nudges alyssa's shoulder causing her to lose balance.

"okay fine, i guess i'll pay for you," alyssa purses her lips, "but you owe me, hemmings. you owe me," with that, alyssa places her hand on his cheek and gently taps it before walking away.

"aw okay, see you at lunch colvin" luke continues, alyssa turns around at this and waves at him.

luke will never regret constantly annoying her for her number, because at that moment he felt the luckiest boy in the world for having the opportunity to call alyssa colvin one of his good friends.


luke you're so cute but you'rE SUCH A FUCKBOY JFC

vote and comment pleAse thank you ily <3

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