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lucifer 😠
can i ask u a question?

queen alyssa

lucifer 😠
is tyler gay

queen alyssa
he's the straightest guy in town ?????

lucifer 😠
im at michael's house and tyler randomly came here without his consent i meANNNNNNN like michael's fine with it I guess bUT NOW I FEEL LIKE THIRD WHEELING BC LIKE basically we were in the middle of playing cod and he only has 2 controllers atm right? bc calum borrowed his third one ok so like being me the nice me i gave my controller to him and now they are both laughing about not funny things and it's so ansjjajsiaaijs and they are ignoring me :-((

queen alyssa
just because they are super close friends
doesn't mean they like each other?

queen alyssa
but um i dont think hes gay
or atleast he hadnt told me yet anyway.
what do u want me to do

lucifer 😠

queen alyssa
want me to come over?

lucifer 😠
yes PLEASE u can properly meet michael let me go ask them brb

lucifer 😠
they said its fine pls come save me

lucifer 😠
new route map message

queen alyssa
on my way love x


alyssa went to michael's house and it took her 4 minutes to get there because she learnt that he only lived 3 blocks away from her. she's lived in the neighbourhood her entire life and she just now figured out how close he lived by. and since they live in the same area, his house was quite identical to hers.

she knocks on the door and much to her surprise, it is luke who opens it, "hi," luke face lit up as soon as he saw her. he smiles as he glances alyssa up and down.

"stop checking me out," she says as she brushes past him

"come in," luke says gesturing towards her,"the living room is there," luke says pointing towards a large room with high ceilings.

"hi alyssa," michael greeted not bothering to look away from the screen.

"hi lizard" tyler pipes in, smiling up at her.

she always liked it whenever tyler use the old nickname that she earned when she dicapitating tyler's lizard by accident in 2nd grade. tyler wasn't mad at her for killing his innocent, blue/yellow lizard, he thought she was awesome for doing that but not really because his pet just died, so that is how they became friends ever since - and how she got the nickname lizard, alyssa - alyssard - a lizard - lizard.

alyssa giggles and sat down at the edge of the couch beside tyler. she ruffles his hair making him glare at her.

"dude why do you call her that?" michael asks. alyssa noticed that luke sat on the other edge of the couch chewing on his bottom lip, a habbit alyssa had picked up on, his eyes focused on the tv screen.

tyler responds, "it's a long story..."

"maybe another time," michael shrugs as he had kills tyler in the video game causing tyler to grunt as michael cheers. alyssa could feel a strong bond growing between the two boys.

"fuck!" tyler yells as he throw his head back on the couch.

michael chuckles, " bored and hungry."

alyssa glances over at luke who was already once again, staring at her with his blue eyes. it was a brighter shade of blue today. luke narrows his eyes at her.

"i'm gonna go find something to eat in the kitchen- hey tyler?" michael turns his head to tyler who hums back at him, "do you know how to cook?"

"yeah, a little," tyler replies with pride in his voice. they both stand up and made their way into the kitchen leaving alyssa and luke by themselves.

a wide grin forms on luke's face as he plops down onto the couch pulling alyssa's arms down with him, making her squeal. he wraps his arms and legs around her and rests his head on her chest.

"luke. get off of me you-"

luke interrupts her by shushing her, "i can see into the future and i know that those two will catch feelings for each other and live happily ever after."



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