twenty six

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"luke come on, i just want to hangout with my best buddy!" michael playfully pushed him.

luke groaned, "why can't you just hangout with tyler?" it was only 8:30 in the morning and michael has already starting annoying him. michael grew more clingy each day ever since luke and alyssa had broken up. luke was minding his own business walking to his class when michael caught up to him. luke refused to get a ride with him this morning and rode the bus instead. he thought michael would take the hint.

"because he's a noodle head! please just come. it's wendy's, for fuck sakes. if you turn down wendy's i'm going to start questioning our friendship." michael pleaded. luke stopped walking and turned to face michael.

he sighed, "what time?"

michael smiled, "i have to do something right after school so maybe 6:30. i'll pick you up at your hous- unless you got your car keys back?"

"no i haven't, one and a half more weeks." luke rolled his eyes. it sucked to be having people to drive you around because you came home late after one night. one. one night. but still, he managed to cooperate with it, it's not like he had a choice anyway. riding the bus isn't as bad as he thought.

"oh that's fine i can pick you up." michael gently tapped luke's cheeks, he probably felt powerful having to drive luke around.

"fuck off." luke chuckled before walking away from him, he heard michael snicker before walking in the opposite direction.


"are you busy tonight?" asks calum tapping his pencil annoyingly on the desk.

"why?" alyssa answered keeping her eyes on her journal. english class was the only class she has with calum and ever since the break up, he has been there for her. after tyler, of course, but he's always with michael and michael is always with luke. and she still couldn't face luke.

"because i want to take you out." this made alyssa finally look up at him who had a huge grin on his face. she wasn't sure if he was being serious or not. she couldn't focus on that either because of the tapping noise.

"well, you won't take me out if you keep doing that." she narrowed her eyes and takes the pencil from him. calum frowned.

"alyssa, i'm serious." calum then tucked alyssa's hair that was infront of her face behind her ears. this made alyssa's stomach turn into acid, in a good way. but acid is never good. she's so confused.

calum is one of luke's best friend, alyssa can't just jump from luke to his best friend. that would be a bitch move, and she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. if she says no to calum, she doesn't think she would hurt him at all, it's calum. but if she says yes to him, it would for sure break luke's heart to see her with his best friend.

out of the two, alyssa could easily say that it was luke who took the break up the hardest. she always see them talk in the hallway and he barely smiles or laughs at michael's lame jokes in class he barely participate anymore. he always has a serious face on. it felt like luke was a whole new person, and she didn't like at all but he was the one who broke up with her! isn't she the one who's suppose to be upset that her boyfriend just walked away- ran away- from her without an explanation? she wasn't even sure if they actually did officially break up but from the way luke avoided talking to her instead of mending things, she assumes that they're done.

the last few days consisted of many pints of ice cream and tears. she promised herself that she will not be upset over a guy and she's doing very well on that promise. she's proud of herself for keeping her chin up high.

"hello?" calum snapped his fingers infront of her face bringing her back to reality. "you just zoned out on my face."

"sorry, i was just thinking."

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