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to: babe
11:17 am

do u want to go out for lunch? :-)

from: babe
11:17 am


from: lucifer
11:17 am

pls :-(

to: lucifer
11:18 am

i dont want 2

from: lucifer
11:18 am

fuckin bitch

from: babe
11:19 am


to: babe
11:19 am

but i have to talk to u about somethinGGG

to: lucifer
11:20 am

then meet me at my locker after this period

from: lucifer
11:20 am

but it's a secret ! !! ppl will hear lyssa :-(

from: babe
11:23 am

fml lucas ur so annoying

to: babe
11:24 am


from: babe
11:24 am

where are we going ?

from: lucifer
11:25 am

yessssssssass !!!!!!!! how Bout wendy's???

from: lucifer
11:25 am

oh and plus i still owe you anyway

from: lucifer
11:25 am

and btw dont invite tyler, its just me and u baby

to: lucifer
11:26 am

luke .......................................wyd


"this is so bad for my health, this greasy ball of food. but fuck it, it's so good." alyssa groaned taking a bite of her burger. which made luke quietly giggle.

"please, alyssa, you possess a very fit body. and i fucking love your body." luke said. alyssa rolled her eyes at his compliment.

then luke started playfully kicking alyssa's feet underneath the table. she ignored it thinking he probably didn't mean it, then he did it again. she looked at luke's face which wore a smirk.

"quit it! i'm wearing white converse, asshat!" alyssa groaned and kicked him, hard.

luke let out an "ow" with a cute pouty face. alyssa couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked when he pouts.

"so what did you want to tell me?" alyssa asked changing the topic, she found herself always changing the topic everytime luke compliments her that she barely give him thanks for his kind words.

"right." luke said looking down on his lap. he didn't know whether to just drop the bomb right now, tell her everything he feels for her. part of him wanted to do it and get it over with, part of him didn't and wanted to keep the strong bond they had. he had to tell her. it's now or never, right?

luke awkwardly coughed when he realized she had been staring at him. "yeah, my parents are gone for the whole weekend."

alyssa's face fell, why did that hurt her? she wasn't exactly looking forward to anything, but then she'd be lying if she said she didn't want to hear luke tell her how he feels about her.

"are you asking me for sex?" alyssa gasped dramatically.

"no you fucktard! i was planning for a party." luke shrugged, this was definitely not going anywhere good. it was true that his parents were going to be out of town for the week, but a party? how the hell would he do that? how do you even party? how in the world did he manage to get into this mess. he just hoped that alyssa would stop him from hosting a party.

"what? since when are you so into parties? let alone hosting one?" alyssa snorted.

"i don't know why not?" luke said, already having bad feelings about this.

please refuse please refuse, he thought. he really did not feel like having a party.

"sure. only because i want to see liz' face the day after." alyssa gave him a smirk.

fuck, he thought. you're suppose to say no and that this is a bad idea!

luke bit his lip nervously, "so this friday then, parents leave thursday evening and come home sunday evening. friday after school - tomorrow - come over at my place so we can throw the shit i don't want broken in my parent's bedroom, we have to have there room locked up too because no risk will be taken. party should be over on saturday the house is going to reek of hangover teenagers and alcohol -"

"shut the fuck up. luke, you're not actually doing this." alyssa said raising her eyebrows at him.

he shrugged feeling vulnerable. "maybe if -"

"ugh lucifer, please. this isn't what you were going to tell me, i must say points for you for your great cover up." alyssa chuckled, "you can tell me anything."

just when luke was about to open his mouth to say something, an unknown boy, who had his hood up, dressed in all black, had appeared and took a seat next to alyssa. her body instantly stiffen, frightened.


ok so i think i know where this story is going now can i get a helllsss yeaah

pls comment bc i love reading them and they always makes my day <333

also the new fob album is so good !!!!!!

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