twenty one

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luke woke up with his head throbbing in pain. he looked around, not aware of his surroundings, but quickly realized he was back at his hotel room. last night was definitely a blur. he sat up, rubbing his eyes and quickly looked around for his phone.

"shit." luke swore in frustration as he couldn't find his phone. where did he last put it? he could basically turn the whole room upside down just to find his phone. he cursed out loud when he couldn't find it, he doesn't even remember where he put it.

annoyed, luke put on his clothes and fixed his hair. he was going to call calum or alyssa but then he remembered he didn't have his phone. he quickly realized that his hotel room had one.

he walked over and dialed calum's number, and he didn't pick up. "come on, pick up."

after 4 tries, he finally got a hold of calum. "fuck you."

"what the hell? who's this?" calum said on the other line, he sounded confused.

"it's luke. dumbass." luke said getting frustrated with him.

"mate, it said unknown caller. how did the party go last night?" calum asked.

"i can't remember anything, to be honest and i can't find my phone.." luke said.



"listen, i don't know where your phone is, if that's why your calling. and do you remember who you were even with last night?"

"no.." and it was true, all he remembered was coming to that stupid gathering and then waking up in his own bed. nothing inbetween.

"oh. when was the last time you called alyssa?" before luke can answer his question there was a knock at the door.

"wait, someones at the door. dont hang up please?" luke ran over to the door and opened it revealing a guy who he very much despite.

"what are you doing here?" luke asked folding his arms.

"came here to drop this off, you left it at the house. um, i found it in between the couches." westley handed luke's silver phone back to him, which luke grabbed from his hands aggressively.

"thanks." luke said before shutting the door. he opened his phone up revealing many missed calls. 4 from his mom and 3 from alyssa. his phone was also at 10%. "are you kidding me." he shuffled around his room to find his charger and finally found them. then he remembered calum.

"hey, sorry i'm back." luke said actually feeling sorry because he was the one who called him first he can't just ditch him like that.

"it's fine, who was it?" calum said in an annoyed toned.


"what did he say?" calum said immediately eager to know. "wait, nevermind i don't care. go talk to alyssa first, you haven't been keeping in touch with her you ass! tell me what westley said afterwards, alright? alyssa is good for you. don't lose her." with that calum hung up not giving luke a chance to reply.

luke grabbed his phone and facetime called alyssa, who picked up almost right away. she was lying in bed, she looked like she just woke up. "hey baby." luke smiled seeing her beautiful face again.

"luke, i was so worried." alyssa sighed, she looked almost angry, but luke thought it was because he had woke her up.

"i know princess i'm so sorry." luke pouted. "sorry i woke you up too."

"you didn't wake me up, i've been awake for half an hour. where have you been?" alyssa asked sitting up straight.

"i've been busy and i lost my phone and i guess i was just way to into footb- fuck that sounds so bad i'm so sorry. i can't make up dumb excuses. i'm sorry for making you worry, princess. i didn't mean to i just thought you'd understand..."

"understand what? i get that football is everything to you. yes, of course! i won't get in the way of you and your sport scholarship, okay? but that doesn't include partying and getting wasted, luke." alyssa sighed. "you're partying with westley. that's what i don't understand because i know you're capable of making good decisions by yourself."

luke ran his fingers through his hair and tugging them at the end. "i did got too caught up on football that i didn't even realize i lost my phone."

"it's been three days." alyssa said, frustrated.

"that asshole took my phone!" luke said in realization. "babe, babe listen to me. at the party- which by the way i didn't know it was until i went to it- i didn't have my phone then! last time i texted you was after practice which was two days ago. i thought..i put my phone in my duffel bag but i guess not. that day after practice i fell asleep right away and didn't wake up till like 2pm even ask calum. then the boys dragged me to the party that night so i completely forgot about it. i don't even remember anything that i did last night. i'm so stupid! westley came to my room and gave me my phone back and said he found it in between the couches but i know that i never brought it to the party." luke ended his rambling with a heavy sigh. there was a long pause.

"did they drug you?" alyssa asked breaking the silence. out of all the questions alyssa could have asked, she asked a question like didn't know how to answer, but luke thought about it.

"i don't know. probably?" luke chewed on the inside of his cheek, one of the things he does when he's nervous or stressing out about something. alyssa groaned. "i'm just curious as to why in the world you were hanging out with the worst guy ever that i call my ex..." alyssa shrugged.

"i just wanted to have fun. i learned my lesson." luke said with a hint of guilt.

"lucas just-" alyssa started but luke interrupted her.

"no no, enough about me. i already explained what went on, thats it. i want to know how have you been?"

"ok just don't do anything stupid, okay babe? just stay safe okay? try and get out of things like that, you know that you worry me when you hang out with crowds like that right?" luke nodded. he hated that he makes alyssa worry, but then he also have to admit he hated when alyssa gives him lectures as if he was 12.

"you look beautiful. i miss seeing your pretty face." luke smiled.

"screw off its morning and i look like shit." alyssa rolled her eyes. "and you look like you're a crack addict." alyssa said with a grin on her face.

"hey! don't be fucking rude. i'm beautiful." luke giggled.

"whatever helps you sleep at night. listen, i have to go i told tyler i was going to come over."

luke pouted, "we just started talking though."

"call me tonight and if you don't then, it's your lost." alyssa hung up without saying another word.

"damn what is with everyone hanging up on me today." luke decided to stand up and walk around the room to try and figure out what to do. he was stuck between doing the right thing and doing something that will get him kicked out of something his parents had payed lots of money on.

he thought this whole thing was stupid, he was stupid. how could he not remember why he was hanging out with someone who broke the girl he is in love with's heart? what did they do to him that made them drug him? with lots of questions flooded his tiny little head, he fell asleep.


goodbye i didn't know how to end it lel
((also alyssa is not the type of girl who just forgives nd forget))

make sure you comment and vote bc it makes my heart cry :') this story is almost at 10k reads nd 1k votes im ?????

p.s im not trying to make luke an asshole in this story bc he's just a cute lil nugget but luke is so :/// mhm

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