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lucifer 😠
wake up and get ready.
i'm going 2 take you out for breakfast

lucifer 😠
wake up

lucifer 😠
ohmytnd goddb im getting mugged !!!!!!!!!!! alyssa wake up and come save me !!!

queen alyssa
good i payed him

lucifer 😠
ayyyyy lmao

lucifer 😠
it really be like that

queen alyssa
where are we going and btw it better be a good breakfast
and u better pay for me bc
im tired aF and id rather sleep in

lucifer 😠
its gonna be good okay
i dont think youve been to it
before i jsut remembered abt it yesterday.
ashton used to take me there everyday before he got tired of me

queen alyssa
ashton is the super cool dude rigght???

lucifer 😠
no hes a total nob he was
checking ur ass out the other day

queen alyssa
when can i properly meet ur cute
friends ?????
oops late reply i was getting dressed

lucifer 😠
idk whenever u want but they will probs
end up hitting on you >:-o
and talk about u all the time
and try to be ur friend

lucifer 😠
and we can't have that

queen alyssa
i dont mind new friends
im kinda getting tired of ur shit lols

queen alyssa
im kidding babe i luvvvvvvvv u
idc if they look at my ass, i know my ass is great lmao but they seem super chill and i only said hi to them a few times in the hallway i wanna know more about them pls

lucifer 😠
whatever u say princess but if they try and make a move on u ill fight them
im on my way btw be there in 5

queen alyssa
great see u soon bub


alyssa grabs her phone and placed it in her pocket. she decided to wear just a grey hoodie and light wash pair of jeans since she didn't need to dress up for luke. he was one of the few people she doesn't need to dress up for. plus, he had already seen her in a grey jumpsuit she called her sad outfit during one of her mood swings episode.

alyssa ran downstairs to see her mom in the kitchen probably making breakfast. "hi sweetie - " she frowns after turning around and seeing her daughter because alyssa always sleeps in and never get to see her before she goes off to work.

"hi mom," alyssa greets smiling at her mom.

"where you off to, honey? you don't normally wake up this early, are you okay?" melissa, alyssa's mom, asks.

"luke's taking me out for breakfast," alyssa shrugs. she'd talk about luke to her mom before, she wouldn't think she would remember.

"oh, the tall blonde boy? when are you finally going to introduce me to him?" melissa asks. but before alyssa could answer, the doorbell rang. she smiled and ran towards the door.

she opens the door that revealed luke, looking gorgeous as ever, chewing on his bottom lip. he wore a green sweater and his typical black skinny jeans. a smile came across his face the moment he sees her. she could feel her face flush and she tries to hide it by looking down on the floor. of course, she's always known how good looking luke is, but the fact that he is at her door picking her up to go get breakfast left her astonished.

"shall we go?" he asks, the smile still plastered across his face.

"we shall. bye mom!" alyssa says before closing the door. they both walk to luke's car. for some odd reason, alyssa felt insecure around him for the first time. she looked down at what she was wearing and thought about going back inside to change into a more fitting outfit. but, she shakes the thought out of her head before jumping into the passenger seat. it's just luke. she should not feel this way.


luke ended up taking alyssa to a café located downtown. alyssa has never been there before so she didn't really know what to order so luke helped her out. after long minutes of talking about the food, the waiter arrived at their booth to take their order.

luke had his bottom lip in between his teeth as he scans the menu, "i know your waffles are good so, waffles for me please,"

"mhm, i'll get french toast and hot chocolate please," alyssa smiles and put the menu down to look at luke who was already staring at her with a huge smirk on his face.

"great, i'll be back with your food," the waiter says before walking away from the two.

alyssa noticed that luke continued to stare at her. she narrowed her eyes at him making him look away, but the smirk soon turns into a wide grin. his teeth perfectly showing. alyssa continued to question his childish acts.

"wipe that smile off your face right now, puke hemmings,"

luke shakes his head, "no,"

"why not?"

"can a lad just be happy?" luke could not stop smiling.

"why are you happy?"

"because-" before luke could finish his sentence, the waiter came back with plates of their food.

"holy shit," alyssa gasps at how beautiful the toast was. she was a little bit exaggerating, but it didn't matter for luke chuckles at her reaction. "this french toast is so pretty,"

"but i thought you are prettier," luke whispers with a wide grin. she felt her face turn hot and she wishes she could hide underneath the table and never look at him again. how could he call her that while she wasn't wearing any makeup what-so-ever? if she felt insecure before, she's never felt so insecure in her life at this very moment.

alyssa sticks her tongue out at him. the truth is, luke found alyssa beautiful no matter what. she would always do that same childish act of sticking out her tongue whenever luke showers her with compliments.

he continues to look at her and the way her eyes lit up, mesmerized at the plate of food, her cheeks a shade of red and he was taken back at the girl sitting across from him; how can a girl ever look so beautiful? another thing he knew for sure, he wanted to drop everything and kiss her there but he didn't.

it's not that he didn't want to but he doesn't have the courage to.


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