twenty nine

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it was finally friday and that meant there's only four more days till graduation and the last day of school.

"do you think it's too much?" alyssa curtsied walking in her room. both tyler and michael's jaw immediately dropped down to the floor.

"alyssa. what the fuck, i was straight for like 2 seconds." michael says making tyler slap his arm. "for 2 seconds, babe!" alyssa giggled and turned back to see herself on the mirror.

she wore a black tennis skirt that hugs her waist, a white crop top, and navy blue knee highs for their school colour. she felt weird for a moment because she wasn't used to wearing clothes that perfectly hugged her figure but then again, tyler picked the outfit out for her.

"luke will thank me." tyler smirked walking over to her with navy blue and white face paint. alyssa backed away.

"no! i'm not putting that on my face, it won't look good and people will mistake me as a cheerleader." alyssa pouted. her outfit was almost similar to the cheer squad, they wore short skirts and a super cropped top and they painted on a line of navy blue face paint on their faces. typical.

tyler rolled his eyes and painted them on his cheeks. alyssa fixed her hair before grabbing her small purse. it has been an exhausting day for her. she played way too much sports this whole day and all she wanted to do was rest.

ever since the day her parents had fought and luke snuck out in the middle of the night, things has been smooth. the day after that night resembled hell. both her and luke went to school on 4 hours of sleep. but before that, mrs. hemmings called her house that morning to make sure everything is fine. and that's when her mom, who was very angry, woke them up. the site of her mom being angry at her for sneaking in luke made alyssa even angrier than her mother. that's when a whole new argument between her and her parents happened. but in the end, they resolved things because, well, they didn't have much choice. alyssa made her dad agree to letting her have a year off before going to college. they all exchanged their apologize to each other while luke awkwardly stood beside alyssa the whole time.

tyler dropped the face paint and turned the two with a surprised look on his face, "i almost forgot to tell you guys," he took a deep breath as michael and alyssa sat down on the edge of her bed tuning in. "i got accepted into university of omaha." he closed his eyes shut with a huge grin on his face while his friends squeal and hug him.

"i didn't even know you signed up!" alyssa yelled pulling out of the hug. "me neither." michael added.

"i know i never told you guys because i wasn't expecting to get in. i was apparently put in the waiting list but i guess they reviewed my application and bam. i'm in." as much as alyssa was proud and happy for her best friend, she couldn't help but already feel lonely. she's going to be so alone when they're all gone.

as if michael could tell what was on her mind, "you'll have me, lys." he gave her a soft smile and placed his palm on her back, reassuring her.

"calum said we better be there soon since the seats are quickly filling up." michael stood up from her bed and walked over to tyler giving him a hug from behind making tyler chuckle. they both walked out of her room, hand in hand.

"which school are they facing again?" alyssa asks closing her bedroom door.

michael shrugs, "the one that they went up against before championships, since they were the only one who was up for a rematch. i forgot the name of the school though."

they all walk down the stairs and out the door. alyssa decided to wear a pair of vans that matched her outfit. it only took her about 5 minutes to figure that out.

alyssa's phone buzzed from her small purse and she looked to see what it was as she got into michael's car. as she got in the backseat, she almost threw up. "god michael, it smells so bad in here." michael and tyler looked at each other and laughed. alyssa cringed not wanting to know why.

from: love of my life
5:59 pm

get your cute ass over here

to: love of my life
6:01 pm

you should've just picked me up michAELS CAR SMELLS LIKE .... THEY HAD AN ORGY IN THE BACK SEAT OR SOMEHING god pleasE


luke saw alyssa enter the gates of the football field and if looks could kill, he would've been dead the moment he laid eyes on her. they were in the middle of a team meeting but he couldn't just stand there and look at her with his wide eyes and dropped jaw.

without thinking, he immediately ran towards her leaving the group which he later will regret.
luke scooped alyssa into his arms and spun her around in a circle, which was very hard to do with his football uniform, making her all giggly. luke gave her a kiss after putting her down. everyone sitting on the bleachers were looking at them, hooting and aw-ing.

"luke-" before alyssa could continue speaking, luke cut her off by placing another kiss on her lips.

"hemmings! get back here!" the coach yelled.

he pulled away from the kiss and tucked in alyssa's hair behind her ear, "i got a surprise for you. i-i've been holding it back but i can't anymore, meet me in the locker room after the game?"


this took so long i hate me

this is not over yet !!! do not remove this on your library because there are at least 5 more chapters to go :-) thank you so much for those who patiently waited and thank you for 190k what the heck

i am very sorry for not updating in so long i have been caught up in other things and i never had time to continue writing or i just really couldn't think of anything to write. i hope you all had a happy holiday i luv u

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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