twenty five

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it has been a few days that consisted of awkward eye contacts in the hallway. luke was on his way home from school, michael had asked him earlier if he wanted a ride home with him. and he said yes. his parents had taken his car keys for coming home late the day him and alyssa fought, or had an argument that ruined their relationship. he drove to a lake just outside the city and stayed there until it got dark and after it hit him that he should probably come back home. he came home at 4 am to very angry parents, waiting for him in the living room.

"it's been 4 damn days. when are you going to talk to her?" michael practically yelled.

"it's- we're over, michael."

"no you fucking idiot." michael pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car, surprising luke. he looked at michael who had a serious facial expression. "go to her house and forgive her or get the fuck out of my car."

luke snickered, "drive." michael knew how much luke hates walking home, especially in a chilly weather like today. "fuck off, michael, you're kidding right?"

michael shook his head, "it's time for you to fix things with her. you can't always rely on her to fix things."

"michael. drive, please." it took all of his nerves to try not to punch his best friend. he does this by messing up his hair then fixing his beanie.

"fine." michael scoffed and drove away, luke let out a heavy sigh. he knew michael wouldn't make him walk home just like that.

a few moment later, luke noticed that michael turned on the wrong street and was going the wrong way. his head shot up, checking his surrondings. "michael...this is not the way to my home."

"yes it is. alyssa is your home." michael pulled over on alyssa's driveway and turned so luke can see the smug smile on his face and it made luke really want to punch him.

"shut the fuck up. i'm sick of this," luke opened the door and slammed it, "i'm walking home!"

michael tried to call after him but it was no use. luke only lives a few minutes away so he was somewhat fine of walking. he was also angry about what michael just pulled off, he gets that he's just trying to help but luke doesn't need any of it.

luke didn't know why he was acting like this either, why was he pushing people away? people he's pushing away are the ones he needs most.

it only took a few minutes until luke felt a car drive really close to the sidewalk. he didn't need to look to figure out it was michael. he stopped walking and turned, "michael, fuck off."

"i'm sorry i-i shouldn't have done that. please luke just- just talk to me about it." michael sounded so sincere about it but still luke hesitated to come in the car.

he sighed before giving in, getting in the passenger seat. "just talk to me. tell me how you feel. how alyssa makes you feel." michael looked at him while luke avoided eye contact.

"i-i love her and it scares me that she might not love someone else. that isn't me." luke hesitated. michael nodded waiting for him to continue. years have past and luke still hasn't said anything so michael decided to speak.

"is that why you just...left?" michael asked, luke opened his mouth then closed it just to think about it for a second. leaving her without an explanation was the most coward thing he has ever done. but it was the only think he could do, he couldn't face alyssa. he was embarassed. the only person who could take her away from you is yourself. he heard ashton repeat the words in his head over and over again.

"yeah." luke gulped. he then pulled the beanie over his face.

"you're so dumb, luke. so so dumb. she loves you. no one else but you but here you are fucking it all u-" michael looked over at his friend and he realized he shouldn't say all of this. luke already felt bad, he's just making it worst. "what did ashton say to you, luke?"

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