twenty seven

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hurt flashed through luke's eyes and alyssa knows it. all she wanted to do was reach over the table and slap calum but she couldn't she just stayed still and watched luke. his head fell and she saw his hand form into a fist.

"just kidding." calum chuckled in attempts on lightening up the mood. "we're going to leave you two now." calum winked, standing up.

alyssa began to realize what was happening. this whole thing was a setup. calum was never into her and she was more than thankful for that. she blankly stared at luke, who did the same. he looked like he calmed down now that he knows calum and her weren't on a date.

"we'll be in the corner of the room, we hope you guys sort this out." michael gave alyssa a soft smile and have luke a pat on the back before walking away with calum.

luke remained where he was standing for a good 10 minutes after the two left. alyssa awkwardly played with her fingers waiting for luke to say something, or do something. the awkwardness was killing her. luke kept his eyes on her.

finally luke spoke up, "can we go talk somewhere," he glanced at where michael and calum sat at. they both had wide eyes carefully watching the two, "privately?"

alyssa nodded and stood up from her seat. luke lead the way out the door. "we can walk by the small park just down the block." he says shoving his hands in his pocket.

they walked there in silence, alyssa wanted to say something but she didn't know the right thing to say. she didn't have to say anything because it's only been 4 minutes and they're already near the park. the park was literally a block away from wendy's and alyssa didn't know about it till now.

it had a small playground, that only consisted of a slide and two pairs of swings. there was a bench in the corner and they both decided to sit on it. alyssa thought luke was going to sit on the other side of the bench but he didn't, instead he sat fairly close to her. centuries past and they still sat there in silence. they were both mute, with only the city's sound behind them.

alyssa was going to snap if no words are going to be spoken so finally she spoke up first, "so how have you been..?" what kind of a question is that? she thought.

"a fucking mess without you." luke shifted his body to lock eyes with her. his eyes were still full of anger, it's almost like she asked the wrong question. all of a sudden, alyssa felt so small compared to him. she felt so so vulnerable in this situation.

those words made alyssa feel like shit. she parted her mouth but no words came out of them. she didn't know how to respond to that. luke kept his gaze at her, waiting for her to respond. when she didn't, he chuckled throwing his head back. it was not a playful laugh, it wasn't his laugh at all. he shook his head before standing up, finally breaking their contact.

luke looked down at alyssa, who copied his action and was now standing up with him. "you're doing fairly well without me, i don't think you need me back in your life." alyssa furrowed her eyebrows, surprised by the words that just came out of his mouth.

"luke-" she says shaking her head. they were now facing each other and the distance between them was very little.

"you weren't as attached to me as i were to you. you don't need me anymore, alyssa."


"i wanted to apologize to you for what i did because it was such a shitty move. i have hated myself ever since i walked away from you." his voice cracked at the end of the sentence. he too was fighting back he tears.

"luke stop-" tears formed in her eyes and she tried so hard for them not to come out.

"i was such a fucking mess without you. but here you are being all prettied up for a new boy! what hurts the most," he paused to wipe a fallen tear with his sleeve, "is that he's my best friend."

"luke stop it!" she yelled. alyssa was now sobbing, she was a sobbing mess. "stop. just stop." she didn't know why he would say all of these things when calum made it clear they weren't going out. the fact that he stated that he's been a mess hurt her. she didn't mean to make him feel that way at all.

"just admit it, you don't need me. you're wasting your time on me," luke cried, "please just say it. i want to hear it coming out of your mouth." luke dropped his head and alyssa could fully see his dull blue eyes that used to be a bright blue. alyssa's face was soaked, but nonetheless, she cupped both his cheek and made their lips meet. it felt like it has been years since they kissed. she missed the taste of him, her lips against his.

"i can't believe i made you cry like this, i'm sorry baby." luke kissed the top of her head before pulling her into a hug. his arms wrapped around her waist, as she wrapped hers around his broad shoulders. "i'm sorry." he repeated.

she pulled away and look at him in the eyes, "i need you, luke hemmings." she whispered. "you're crazy to think that i don't. i can't believe you would think i'm fine without you. i don't love calum, i never did, never will. i would never do that to you. i don't love anyone else but you. i love you, luke."

luke smiled and wiped alyssa's tears with his hands, "i didn't mean to make you cry. i never meant to walk away and hurt you. i'm pathetic for doing that, i hate myself so much for it. for crying out loud, you should be the one pissed off at me." a tear rolled down his cheeks and he quickly wiped it off.

"we both hurt each other, luke. you don't have to blame it all on yourself. you hurt me by walking away on me without a word, but there was a reason you did, and that is because i hurt you. by being a shitty person and hanging out with the people that was so cruel. it was me who basically started this, by being stupid enough to hang out with ashton." alyssa rubbed her thumb on his cheeks.

luke closed his eyes, "my heart ached everytime you were with that guy, he was right you know," he sighed before moving his hand down to her waist, "he said to me, the only person who could take you away from me is myself. and he was right."

"i'm so stupid to think that he had changed. but trust me when i say i would never choose him over you."

"you would never do that to me." luke's voice was getting raspy.

"enough about ashton, why do we always end up talking about him?" she chuckles. alyssa looks up at luke who stared at her with a small smile. "what?" she asks making circles on his chest with her finger.

"nothing. i just missed you and i missed having my arms around you," alyssa rolled her eyes at him and he continue to rant on about how much he missed her, "and i missed your pretty face and i missed," he sniffed, "your strawberry scented shampoo and your cute little nose and-"

"luke, shut up." she giggles.

"your giggle. i missed the sound of that." luke stated making alyssa blush, and once again she felt vulnerable. no one has ever made her feel like this. the only person who could is luke. luke gave her a short kiss before talking again, "and i never want to lose you again."

"i-" before alyssa could continue her sentence, they heard their friends driving by clapping and making whooping sounds. "oh god." alyssa burried her face in luke's chest as he laughed.

calum parked his car and they both got out slowly clapping. alyssa finally faced them and she saw that michael was almost crying. "my babies." he held both of his arms out and ran towards the couple to give them a big hug.

"holy shit that was like an episode of 90210." calum yelled behind him. they all laughed at his comment and he joined the group hug.

"thank you." luke pulled away from the hug and so did everyone else except alyssa she still had her arms around him, like a baby koala. "thank you for doing this."

"luke hemmings, you are nothing without your friends." alyssa said which calum and michael both agreed to. she pokes his nose as he shook his head. "our friends." luke says correcting her. he was right. they were the only group of friends alyssa has ever had. they made her life more interesting and fun. and she was more than grateful to have them.

"i am nothing without you." luke added. alyssa smiled at his comment. but she knows that he's just exaggerating. she knows that their relationship won't last forever because there is no forever. they're young and in love no matter how cliché that is. but she's thankful for having their own cliché.



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