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authors note, i didn't rewrite this chapter lol idk man ashton's debut is just too iconic so i left it the way it is

from: ashtonnnio :-)

7:15 am

I can't find my contacts fuck me in the ass

to: ashtonnnio :-)

7:17 am

i care why

to: ashtonnnio :-)

7:17 am

btw i will not fcuk you in the ass you have ur side bitches for that

to: lucas

7:17 am

well first oF all today i get to technically go on a date with alyssa secOND of all id rather kMS than wear my glasses third of all why can i not remember where I put my contacts oh and i have no side bitches shut up

from: lucas

7:18 am

still dont know why i need to care

from: ashtonnnio :-)

7:18 am


from: lucas

7:20 am

just go to school with your glasses theres people who are blind and does not get access to actual glasses then theres you complaining that u dont want to wear them smh

to: lucas

7:21 am

i hate you

to: lucas

7:21 am


to: ashtonnnio :-)

7:22 am

bye babe see you later

from: ashtonnnio :-)

7:22 am

jump off a cliff hemmo

from: lucas

7:23 am

ladies first irwin

read 7:24 am


"why ashton?" luke said making a goofy face at alyssa and he leaned on a locker next to hers.

"why not ashton?" she shrugged still digging in her locker to find something. luke noticed that her hair was a bit messy today. he knew not to point it out though.

"you don't know anything about him, lyss." luke scoffed, turning so he's no longer facing alyssa.

"then tell me what i need to know, lucas!" alyssa said in a louder tone and closed her locker.

"that's not my name," luke pouted and turned back to alyssa, "he thinks he's cool just because he wears leather jackets. that's all you need to know."

alyssa rolled her eyes, "whatever, hemmo." she said poking his cheeks to where his dimples would be. luke gave her a small smile. "i just want to be nice, okay."

luke nodded, "well i better get going, see you at lunch." he turned on his heels and walked away. he almost sounded like he was disappointed, but alyssa chose not to point it out.


alyssa was making her way down to her first period class when she slams into a boy, who towered over her. her books pressed into her chest as they slammed bodies, causing her to let out an 'ow'.

she almost yelled at the stranger's stupidity. why couldn't they just avoid her?

"sorry - oh hi alyssa," a familiar voice stutters.

she finally looked up to see who it was; ashton. he didn't wear his typical, signature leather jacket and dark shirt, instead he wore a bandana on his head and a black tank top. he was also wearing glasses. she couldn't help but notice how cute it was for him to look hot but at the same time dorky.

she giggled before even saying anything. "wh-what?" ashton furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"aw, ashton you're so cute. who knew the school's badass would have poor vision." alyssa said, her hands on her mouth trying to stop another giggle.

"hey!" he groaned looking down on his feet, "i didn't have a choice. and don't call me cute." he said a smile forming on his face as he looked up.

ashton admired alyssa's sense of fashion, some days she wore black leggings with a black sweater, some days she wore a cute floral dress that fits her body so perfectly and some days she wore a tank top with sweats. today she was wearing a black zip-up hoodie with light washed jeans and a pair of black high-top converse. different.

"i have to go, see you later." alyssa said smiling at him as she tuck a piece of her dark blonde hair behind her ear. ashton waved as he watched her walk away.


as alyssa walked into the cafeteria, her least favourite part of the school building, she noticed that tyler was sitting with michael at their table.

"so, i heard that you're going on a date with ashton, huh?" michael smirked as alyssa sat down across from them.

"wait, so like do you like him now?" tyler asked raising his eyebrows at her.

alyssa groaned, "im just doing this to be nice. that's all. he is kinda hot though."

they both continued to smirk at her, "fuck off, gay boys." alyssa said rolling her eyes.

"alyssa, this is a big step for you babe. are you sure you can handle ashton?" tyler asked.

"why can't i? i mean he's the big "hey look im tough im cool look at my sunglasses heck yeah bandanas- fuck. he looks so hot with his cute glasses." alyssa groaned.

michael giggled at her, "damn. he hasn't worn those glasses since freshman year!"

"where the hell is lucas?" alyssa asked when she finally realized that luke wasn't there.

"he texted me saying he didn't feel very well so he went home, didn't he tell you?" michael asked furrowing his eyebrows. alyssa shook her head.

that's when alyssa got worried. she didn't know whether to go and check up on him or to not ditch ashton. after all, she missed going on dates it feels like ages last time she went on one of those. luke can just wait, i mean he would understand, alyssa thought. she would go with ashton then go straight to luke's house and tell him all about it. yeah sounds like a good plan.


this is just a filler for the next chapter so no worries :-)

!!question!! who do you imagine alyssa as ?? what does she look like to you?

aug24 - yo fam those aren't SKH references i wrote this in january the song didn't exist then lol

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