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"come cuddle with me, please?" luke opened his arms for alyssa. they've been arguing for about half an hour since they got to luke house on what movie they should watch.

"no, not until we watch mr. incredibles." alyssa sat on the edge of his bed her knees tucked into her chest.

"but i want to watch happy feet." luke groaned flailing his feet around.

"we watched that like 500 times!"





luke then threw a pillow at alyssa, hitting the back of her head. which made her fall considering she was at the end of the bed. she let out an "ow" and a growl after. she got up and jumped on luke and wrapped her arms around him. then she tickled his neck, making him giggle. he tried to push her off him but she didn't budge.

"alyssa!" luke continued giggling, shoving his hand on her face.

she then sat up beside luke, smirking. luke on the other hand was pouting and was trying to catch his breath from all the giggling. he then grabbed alyssa, making her lay down next to him.

alyssa turned her body around to face luke, "you started it." she could feel the tension between them, considering their faces are only a few inches away from each other.

luke blinked a few times at her, not saying a word. he smiled and wrapped his arms around alyssa's waist. which made alyssa's body to stiffen but she relaxed afterwards, getting comfortable by his touch.

he then slowly kissed her forehead, something he only did once before when he was drunk after a party and alyssa had came over to put him to sleep. alyssa smiled, remembering memory, it had been 2 months ago. before she knew luke wasn't all that bad.

luke pulled his face away to make eye contact with alyssa, who was smiling. she burried her face into luke's chest, it was definetily warm. she wrapped her arms around his back.

"we've never cuddled like this before." she whispered into his chest, which made it sound mumbly.

"yeah." luke nodded, running his hands through her soft hair. it smelled like berries, sweet sweet berries. luke thought about what he was about to say before actual words came out of his mouth.

"alyssa.." luke started, alyssa hummed looking up at him.

"i-i don't really know how to say this, or sound cheesy and romantic and all that shit. i'm not good at it but why not try? okay here i go," luke but the corner of his lip nervously. "i remember the first day of sixth grade when i first moved here, i walked into the class and i saw you, you were the prettiest girl i've ever seen in my elementary years. you were wearing a pink sweater, pink leggings and hell- pink shoes. your hair was in a braid and it was so perfectly braided - if that's even a thing - you didn't seem to care about my arrival, so i didn't really care about that you didn't care about my arrival, fuck okay, which broke my 11 year old heart by the way. everybody cared about elizabeth monroe the hoe but i cared about you. i remember you asking to play soccer with my friends and i one time and they all said no to you because you were a girl, i also remember that that was the day i almost lost all of my friends. i had an argument with them on why it doesn't matter that you were a girl that we should've let you play. moving on, with grade - ah, eighth grade - seventh grade isn't all that important because i completely forgot about you but eight grade wow, that was when everything sorta changed. you started to pop in and out of my head again, i tried talking to you but you ignored me a lot. you were completely annoyed by me and again i was hurt so i quit trying. you were always around tyler, i noticed that your friendship started getting tighter and tighter as to why i always see you guys together and no one else. i was jealous but i managed to just shake the thought out of my head. my point is i like how you've always been confident, you don't care that you're 'out-of-style' because i remembered you getting attacked by those girls in freshman year, i wanted to just pull their hair and tell them to leave you alone, but i knew you could handle them by yourself. i like how you dress by the way, different, but not different that it's not even okay to wear, it's different from all the girls who always wear short skirts and crop tops and high waisted shorts. you don't care what others think of you and you don't get hurt easily. that's one of my favourite things about you."

luke paused and giggled to himself, "also the first time you've talked to me ever since middle school was when i - according to you, harassed - half of the girls population in social studies. im still sorry to this day. junior year, i remember how westley broke your heart, your first boyfriend, right? westley is indeed a fuckboy, he changed after you were together. he started acting right, better. you changed him, but he still managed to break your heart. that's why he got kicked out of the football team by the way, we don't tolerate cheating. i never told you that before. you were miserable, but at the same time strong. you barely showed any weakness. you were so happy with him, he made you so happy. after that you were so quiet and you didn't talk to anybody except for tyler for like months. that's when i had the strongest urge to get to know you, to talk to you, to hear your sweet, compelling voice. i was only in it because i wanted to be your friend at first but i couldn't help it. you are so incredibly nice to everyone but, still only has tyler as friend. i don't know why, i just want to punch everyone who takes you for granted, and doesn't see how good of a person you are. you are a strong, confident, beautiful, independent, sweet, girl. you're like a drug, as cheesy as it sounds. and i couldn't help but fall for you. you could be painting a wall or something and i'd watch you for hours, i don't care what your doing honestly, i just always want to be with you." luke finished and looked at alyssa who was speechless, her eyes were glossy and it looked like she was about to cry. but really she's just overwhelmed by what he just said about her.

"please say something, i-i am so so scared right now." luke wanted her to respond, to tell him that she was possibly in love with him too.

"luke.. you are probably the best guy i know. you are still incredibly annoying at times, but you- you're just an amazing person. i ignored you all those years because i-i was afraid of what you could do to me. i wanted to talk to you so bad but i couldn't, i was such a bitch for not talking to you, huh? and i can't believe you remembered sixth grade, you also broke my 11 year old heart by not letting me play soccer. i thought you were like the rest of the guys, up until i got to know who you really are." alyssa bit her lip and looked down.

alyssa put her hand to his hair, twisting her fingers around them and look back up at him. "you're one of the first guys who's ever told me anything like this before. you-you're so good to me. this is so fucking cliché and i hate us right now for doing this," they both chuckled. "but i have to admit, you have the whole prince charming look and also, may i add, a fuckboy personality." luke frowned.

"no no baby, i'm just teasing you. i fought my feelings for a while thinking, you would never like me more than just as friends. but i guess you manage to destroy my wall - thats a good thing - and you just, i- well, i- you know what, fuck words." and their lips finally met.

luke was shocked at her sudden movement but he later on relaxed as he grips on to her waist tighter. alyssa continued to brush her fingers through his hair, and he loved it. this continued for a few more minutes until luke pulled away. he pushed alyssa's loose hair behind her ear. he put his lip ring in between his teeth, licking his lips. something alyssa grew very found of.

"so how about happy feet?" he smiled.



but this was not what i was planning on writing but oh well i just wanted luke to stop being a pussyassbitch and to just tell her u kno?

giggly luke makes me (◡≦) (want 2 stab my foot)

also, pls keep commenting i luv reading them sm omF n vote bc it makes my day yay

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