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uhhhh...,.. ok so i made ashton into sUCH a villain damn, this time around he's not bad


group message

tyler 🦆
welcome dickfucks

unknown number

who's unknown number? ?
and wtf is this

unknown number


unknown number
it's michael idiot

lol hi

unknown number
omFG shut the fick uiop

michael clifford 🍕
prepare yourself this is gonna be like hell

who's that unknown number

michael clifford 🍕
that salty boy is clam hood

tyler 🦆

calum hood (?)
shut the fuc up

tyler 🦆

michael clifford 🍕

tyler 🦆

michael clifford 🍕
k im bored of both of you now
where is luke and ashton
and alyssa r the three of u jerking off
that's the only reason as to why u r
not answer this

tyler 🦆
alyssa cant jerk off

michael clifford 🍕
u knOw what i mean


for once in her life, alyssa was actually trying to finish off her homework. she had shut off her phone for a whole 45 minutes. after long minutes of ignoring her notifications, her phone rang. she realized that it was a message from someone as she had put the group message on mute.

she sighs, feeling defeated, as she turns on her phone and reads the notifications:

103 new messages from group message: 420$wag420

1 new message from: badasshton

she decided to check the group messages first but after reading the last 2 messages, she wanted to officially throw her phone off a cliff.

michael clifford 🍕
omg girls can jerk off

tyler 🦆
no they cant they finger u fuck

she rolls her eyes at the boys stupidity and decide not to read up further, neither wanting to know how they got to that topic and why they are on that topic.

alyssa went back to her notification board and was surprised to see that she has received a text message from ashton.

ashton irwin, the boy who has always intimidated her. since freshman year, alyssa has heard whispers and many rumours about the boy; how much trouble he has gotten into and the ridiculous amount of heartbreak he has caused. she was surprised to see the lack of influence he had on luke, considering how close of a friend they are.

alyssa thinks that he is ridiculously good looking but, that did not blur out the fact that he is a complete fuckboy. she felt bad for all of the girls whose had their heart broken by the boy.

alyssa officially met him a day ago while she was michael's house. when he walked in the room, turned into a completely different person. he laughed and goofed around with michael and tyler, but had a whole different attitude towards luke. during that night, the only time that ashton let out a noise was to insult michael, groan at luke's idiotic comments or giggle at alyssa's jokes. towards the end of the night when everyone is heading home, ashton slips a ripped piece of paper into her hands and winked at her before leaving out the door. it would be a lie if alyssa says that the act did not send chills down her spine.

she could feel her face heat up at the remembrance of yesterday's memories, she shakes her head and finally opens the message.

(bad)shton irwin
hi :)

alyssa qt
hey late reply im so sorry
i was doing hw

(bad)shton irwin
its alright babe
you sure you weren't checking
the group messages?

alyssa qt
they are all so annoying i was fine
about it but then they kept on talking
and it was annoying so
i barely read any of the text lol

(bad)shton irwin
haha, hey are you busy
on tuesday after school?

alyssa qt
no i dont think so why?

(bad)shton irwin
well i was maybe wondering if you could well spend the afternoon with me :)

alyssa qt
oh that would be wonderful :-)

(bad)shton irwin
great talk to u soon, good night x


alyssa was not sure of what she was doing. or what was happening. and why her opinions on ashton irwin shifted in a matter of seconds.

she thought that he's probably trying to test his fuckboy tricks on her, and that she shouldn't make such a big deal about it. she's not stupid enough to fall for his tricks. but, there was a small part of her that wanted to believe that maybe, just maybe ashton irwin is into her.


queen alyssa
hi puke

queen alyssa
guess who just asked me out

queen alyssa
talk to me wtf ?

queen alyssa
bitch ass


disclaimer: this isn't gonna turn into an ashton fanfic ((obvi)) just trying to add some shizzle ;-)

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