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to: baby boo <3
12:05 am

hi babe, how did yesterday go? :-)

read 12:06 am

to: baby boo <3
12:05 am

you didn't text me at all last night so i hope you're doing fine

read 12:06 am

to: baby boo <3
12:06 am

do u miss my back rubs oh that's right ofc you do ;)

read 12:06 am


"im sorry i don't mean to sound like a clingy girlfriend but, why the fuck is he not texting me back?" alyssa groaned throwing herself on her bed.

"just give him some time lys, he's probably tired and doesn't get much free time at the camp." tyler said not looking up from his phone.

it had been 5 days since luke left, the first few days they would talk to each other and have an hour long text messages, but the texting stopped yesterday luke hasn't replied to any of alyssa's text. at first, she shrugged it off thinking he was probably busy or something but that just wasn't luke, he would make time just for her. she waited a day to worry, maybe luke was busy or his phone died? but that wasn't just the case.

"his phone died or he probably lost his charger. stop worrying your making me worried too." tyler added finally looking up from his phone.

"he has read receipts, he's read every single one of my texts. also, he brought like 2 chargers with him?" alyssa ran her fingers through her hair anxiously.

"huh. let's see your phone- oh honey this doesn't add up." tyler shook his head and grabbed alyssa's phone and scrolled through texts. anger flooded through him, he can admit at first he thought alyssa was just being clingy and whiny but now that he got his head out of his ass, he can see clearly now. luke is a nice guy and he doesn't sound like someone who would randomly just ignore his girlfriend, or so he thought. he tossed the phone back and thought for a second.

from: calum
12:16 am


to: calum
12:16 am

oh hi calum how's football?

from: calum
12:17 am

tiring as fuck lol but it's all worth it at the end

"who is it?" tyler asked looking over the bright screen.

"calum." alyssa replied.

"why the hell is he texting you?" tyler asked, alyssa honestly did not know why either. calum have never texted her before and now that she thought about it it had been ages since they last talked to each other. alyssa answered with a shrug.

from: calum
12:20 am
do you have westley's number

to: calum
12:20 am

um no? why

from: calum
12:21 am

i know it might be an odd question and all cuz of ur history with him but i actually need it

to: calum
12:21 am

i blocked and deleted his number years ago....

from: calum
12:22 am

shit can you please check????

to: calum
12:22 am

calum do you knOw how many people i have blocked ://

read 12:22 am

"why the heck is he asking for his number? does westley even still exist?" tyler rambled on. "just give it to him."

"tyler, i don't have it. i have so many blocked numbers on my phone i don't know which one is his.." alyssa groaned in frustration. she wanted to know why calum wanted to talk to westley, luke once said everyone in the football team hated him.

to: calum
12:26 am

do you know where luke is? i can't get a hold of him he's not answering any of my fucking texts

from: calum
12:26 am

im staying at a different hotel bud

to: calum
12:26 am

do you know why he hasn't contacted me?

from: calum
12:27 am


to: calum
12:27 am

fuck can you tell or text him to call me or something

from: calum
12:28 am

lol alyssa if i knew how to get a hold of him do you think I'd be asking to you for westley's number?

to: calum
12:28 am

im going to call u right now.

alyssa quickly dialed calum's number, everything didn't make sense to her. she barely knew calum for her to trust him. "hello?" a dry and raspy voice answered.

"hi calum."

"hi babe, how are you?" she heard calum snort.

"call me that again and i'll beat your ass." alyssa rolled her eyes,

"kinky. i like it. anyways, what do you want."

"where is luke?" alyssa asked she grew more and more frustrated.

"again, like what i said, i wouldn't be asking you for westley's number if i knew." calum groaned on the other line, sounding like he was also getting frustrated over alyssa's stubbornness

"calum, for fuck sakes just- when was the last time you saw him? you guys do have football everyday right?"

"no, we have two days off until our next practice. so anyways, there was this small gathering at this dude's house that a player in the camp knows and everyone in the camp went so there goes the title small gathering, i went but it ended up to be a total bust and everyone was either high as fuck or drunk as fuck. me being the smartest person on the team i left not wanting to be a part of all of it. i did see a glimpse of luke-"

"are you serious? you couldn't just drag luke along with you!" alyssa cut off calum.

"alyssa, shut up for a second. anyways, you know how luke is when he's around different crowds, i couldn't just drag him with me. he didn't want to go so that meant he didn't want to go, i did tried to convince him but obviously, it didn't work. oh did i forget mention your fuckboy of an ex is in the same camp as your boyfriend?"

alyssa choked on her own spit, she knew how much they hate each other. westley moved after getting kicked out of the team. "w-why is he there?" she managed to say.

"we're all here for the same thing, trying to get a sports scholarship or trying to get into college football. for the past few days luke just ignored him and he didn't care at all, but then they started forming a bond and i was sitting there like what the fuck? we both hate that guy i didn't understand what luke was even doing. westley was at the party too, actually he was the one who invited luke."

alyssa nodded, "where is luke now?"

"with him."


a/n: whAT do u think will happen ooh (nd btw if you can't remember who westley is ((because i couldn't either tbh lol)) go back nd read ch. 16) hint: theres gonna be more action in the next chapter nice nice

also someone pls tag me on one of those question tags bc i want u to get to know me lel

(my twitter is @/atIfaye capital 'i')

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