Chapter 10: Handsome Cheese Stealer (Yum)

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A/N Hey guys... Whats up? I know that there are some grammatical and spelling mistakes.. Just bear with me for a while... I promise to correct it whenever I can... I know that recently I have been updating small chapters and you guys are not happy.. So I have tried making this chapter lengthy... Hope you guys enjoy it...

That's all for now... Dig in...

xoxoxo Daydreamz107 :)


"Thanks for dropping me to class." I tell her, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"No problem, and don't forget just because you don't have to wear the cast anymore doesn't mean that you can go ahead and injure your self again. I know your a born klutz but please try. Throwing a funeral is really expensive." My mom says.

"Yeah okay mom." I say. "Nice to know you care." I remark, sarcastically.

"Anytime honey. Remember what Dr. Rider said no applying too much pressure on your left leg. I'm not paying for your injuries again." She says, sternly.

"Yes Ma, I know can I leave now? I'm getting late." I say.

"Go, am I holding you captive? I don't think so." She says. I get out before she starts her rant again. I watch her pull away and head inside. Let's get you guys caught up with the recent events of my life, shall we?

I woke up in the morning, might I add, late. Anne already had left for school and since I had a doctors appointment, neither her nor my mom woke me up. After having breakfast, mom and me left for the hospital. Once in the hospital, we met Millie, my doctor and Ryan's mother. I had to get my leg x-rayed and had to go over the routine checkup. After all that, Millie told me that indeed my leg had healed and I no longer had to wear that idiotic cheese killer brace anymore. I was so happy that I get to get rid of it that I jumped on Millie giving her a big hug. Now that your all caught up, shall we return back to the present? Shall we? We shall.

I have to go to the office to sign myself in since I'm late. I check the time in my cell and there's 5 minutes more for third hour to come to an end. I head towards the lockers first. I have to get my bag. I left it in the locker yesterday since I had no homework. Once I reach my locker, I open it and grab my bag.


The bell goes off and the corridor that was empty, now streams with teenagers. I shut my locker shut.

"Kitty Kat!" I hear Anne's voice calling me. I turn around and find my friends walking towards me.

"Hey guys, notice anything?" I ask them.

"Why yes! You finally grew a 'stache, I always knew that you were a boy not a girl." Leo comments.

"Hardy har har, I meant my leg cheese pedo." I tell him.

"You finally got rid of the brace." Rose says.

"Yes!" I say.

"Oh well enjoy while it lasts." Leo says.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask him.

"We all know, your a klutz. No scratch that. You are the queen of klutz! So it's not long before you fall or injure yourself again." He says.

"He's right." Anne agrees.

"Remind me again why you are my friends." I ask them.

"Because, you don't know how to make friends." Rose answers.

"That's not true. I know how to make friends." I defend.

"Okay, name a person who's your friend." Leo challenges. I open my mouth. "Not including us." Leo interrupts. I close my mouth.

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