Chapter 24: I'm Sorry Is This Dancing Or Grinding? (Bonus)

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A/N This is a bonus chapter as an apology to my late update. This explains why Rebecca was running away screaming like a mad lady.


Mason p.o.v

I watch Kat walk up to Ryan well actually the dance floor and I'm pretty sure my plan will work as Ryan is now possessive over Kat even though the idiot doesn't know it himself. I look in the direction of the washroom that Rebecca walked in seconds ago. I turn to the waiter and slide a 20 dollar bill at him.

"I need you to give me something." I say smirking evilly.


Rebecca p.o.v

I was washing my hands when the light of washroom flickers off and it comes on again. It keeps flickering on and off. I ignore it and stare at my reflection in the mirror. I tug my crop top even lower so that Ryan Rider can have a look at what he's about to get if he plays his cards right. I smirk up at my reflection and thats when is see it it was a blur but it looked white. I turn around almost immediately and look around myself.

"Hello is anyone there?" I call out but I get silence as an answer. I shake my head passing it off as a figment of my imagination. I turn around and that's when the light flickers off and now it stays that way. The sudden loss of light made me jump.

"H-he-hello? I-is an-anyo-anyone here?" I stutter outloud. And that's when I hear it silent whimpers chomping out of the last stall. I slowly walk towards the stall as my brain yells at me to run away from there but my body has a mind of its own as it moves towards the stall even though I don't want it to. Instead I want to run away.

"Wh-who's th-there?" I call out once again, my voice laced with fear. The only answer I get is the whimpers. I reach the stall finally and contemplate whether to open it or run for my life? Even though I wanted nothing to do here my hand reaches out to the knob on it own and turns it open. The stall door opens slowly almost painfully and I find a figure crouched down next to the wall dresses in all white. At the sight of the figure my body froze and my voice was nowhere to be found.

"Wh-who a-are yo-you?" I manage to stutter out. The figure looks up and a scream erupts out of my mouth. The face of the figure was completely drenched in red so was the cloth and I could only guess what the red colour was, blood! My body immediately jerks awake and I run away screaming looking like a mad person. And at the moment I could care less about how I looked or what people thought when I was running away screaming. I only had one thought in my mind, and that was to get away from this place as far away as possible so as to save my life. I reach the parking lot and jump inside my car and almost bump into a car on my haste to get away.


Mason p.o.v

I get up from my crouched position near the wall and walk out of the ladies laughing out loud. Serves the bitch right to never come in between Ryan and Kat again. I know I'll sound like a girl but I so ship Kyan, and I want them to come together as soon as possible. It obvious that those two idiots like each other but neither one of those idiots seem to take the first step. I shake my head and walk out of the ladies washroom and remove the Work-In-Progress sign board from where I had hung it so that no one would enter and witness me scaring the crap out of Rebecca. I enter the washroom and find the bartender waiting for me there.

"So how was it?" The bartender asks.

"Hilarious. Who would have thought my sisters embarrassing whimpers that I recorded to blackmail her would come so handy." I say laughing as the memory of Rebecca's fear stricken face comes into mind.

"I'm glad I could be of help. 20 dollars more for switching off the power to the ladies washroom." The bartender says holding out his hand. I hand him the Work-In-Progress board and dig into my pockets.

"Yeah I know." I say handing him the 20$ bill. I remove the white cloth from my body which I'm guessing is a table cloth and hand it back to the bartender. After gathering his things the bartender leaves. I look at my reflection in the mirror and smirk at the red on my face. You must be wondering what it is? It's cherry syrup and ketchup the bartender seemed to find. I smirk and click a Selfie. I click three one with my scary expression. Other with a duck face which I pull off quite better, better than the girls even if I say so myself. Third with a goofy expression. After clicking the selfies I wash my face and dry it with a towel present in the compartment next to the mirror. After wiping my face I head outside and bump into Rose.

"Where were you? C'mon we are leaving." She informs me. I nod and turn to walk to the exit but she grabs hold of my hand. I look at her confused. She leans her face close to my face and with her manicured finger she brushes near my ears.

"Is this ketchup?" Rose asks rubbing the ketchup in between her thumb and index finger and smelling it to clarify what it was.

"Yes." I answer smiling widely at her.

"Do I want to know how ketchup ended up in your ear?" She asks me.

"No." I answer flashing her a even bigger smile. She huffs out a sigh.

"Let's go." She says walking in front of me and I trail behind her. "Dork." She mutters under her breath so low that I wouldn't have caught it if I wasn't walking close to her. I chuckle at that.

"Barbie." I call her back. She glares at me stomps her feet and walks away from me faster whereas I just smirk at her and follow closely behind.


A/N So I hope the mystery is now cleared. I so love Mason he is the naughty version of me. ;) ;P Like it? Hate it? What do you think of it? (Hey that rhymed!)

P.S Dont forget to VOTE and COMMENT. I'll see you later on today my lovelies... until then.. stay blessed.

xoxoxoxo Daydreams107 :)

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