Chapter 18: Like Daughter, Like Mother :P

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Kat p.o.v

I wake up, to sunlight glaring at my face. I slowly get out of the bed and hiss. I have a terrible backache all because of one idiotic badboy. I turn to glare at the so called badboy and find the bed empty. Huh? He woke up before me. Surprising. I quickly brush my teeth and head downstairs for breakfast. Once downstairs I hear voices coming from the kitchen and walk towards it. I see all my friends and that idiot sitting and chatting while having breakfast. I stomp inside and take a seat next to Mason.

"Good morning, to you too." Anne says.

"Its morning, so it's anything but good." I grumble.

"Aren't you Miss Sunshine today." Ryan comments.

"I'm not gonna apologize for not being a morning person and if anyone is going to apologize it should be you." I say, glaring at him.

"And why is that?" He asks, smirking. He's smirking after everything that he did??!

"You know very well what you did." I point out.

"Enlighten me." He smirks. Cheese maggot.

"You pushed me out of the bed." I yell. He starts laughing at that. The nerve of him. "You cheese raper."

"Do continue, this is just too funny." He laughs. He laughs so hard that he ends up falling out of his chair. Now it was my turn to laugh, and everyone joins along with me.

"Not funny." Ryan grumbles while getting up from the ground.

"If this wasn't funny, then your face surely is." I taunt.

"Just so you know my face is not funny. All girls go crazy over it. I'm guessing you are too." He states.

"Oh bite me!" I say.

"Guys behave." Anne says sternly. "Now, Kat I made you grilled cheese sandwiches with extra cheese. Just the way you like it." Anne says, placing a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches in front of me. My mood instantly lights up instantly. Its food who's won't? And it has cheeeese. Yes I did, since when don't you know how crazy I am about cheese.

"Yum. Thanks Anne." I say, stuffing food inside my mouth.

"No problem." She says, smiling.

"Mmmmmhhh." I moan, at the deliciousness.

"That's what she said." Mason says before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Seriously?" I ask, while raising an eyebrow.

"Yup." Mason says, popping the 'p'. I roll my eyes and get back to my food. Mason steals on of my sandwich.

"Hey! Give it back. Its mine." I complain. I try reaching out for my sandwich which ends up in him stretching it farther away from me.

"Too bad! Its mine now." He taunts.

"No! Give it back." I say, trying hard to reach my sandwich. To make matters worse he gets up in his feet and raises his hand over his head. I get up on my feet too and jump trying to reach for my sandwich again. But because of my small height I can't. I jump as high as I can to reach his hand while everyone including Mason are laughing at me.

"Ow ow ow ow!!" Mason yelps, as Rose pulls his ear.

"Give her sandwich back to her." Rose orders. "Now!"

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