Chapter 21: A Cup Of Masoup (~~)>

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The door opens slowly, creaking outloud. We all look towards it and see a shadow. The door opens wider, slowly almost painfully. And out walks...

Holy mother of.... witch??


Ryan p.o.v

"Yes?" The witch-I mean the old lady asks.

"Y-yes, o-our car br-broke down and I-I I mean w-we wan-wanted t-to kn-know whether w-we could maybe st-stay the ni-night here." Anne stutters.

"Oh, it's okay. I am sure i could spare a room for you kids. C'mon in." She welcomes.

"This is what they always say before cooking people alive and eating them." Mason whispers.

"Shut up Mason." Rose snaps at him.

"Yeah make the person who's worried about all of us keep quiet. But honestly don't none of you find the similarity between her and a witch." He probes.

"Yes she does look like a witch. But that doesn't mean anything." Rose argues.

"Thank you. Can we come in?" Leo asks the old witch/lady.

"Yes yes do come in." She says while opening the door wide open to let us all in. We all walk inside along with our stuff. "I haven't asked you're names have I?"

"I am Mary-Anne but you can call me Anne." Anne introduces. We all do the same.



"Katherine. But call me Kat."

"Rosalyn but please call me Rose."

"Mason. Hi, nice to meet you. Just so you know I'm not tasty at all but feel free to try and cook Rose I'm sure she'll suit your taste." He introduces. All of us face Palm ourselves.

"Haha. Don't worry I don't have any plans as such. You make yourself comfortable I'll go fetch you kids some water you must be tired." The old lady instructs and walks inside.
We all turn towards Mason.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask him.

"What?" He innocently answers.

"Why would you say something like that? Thank God the nice lady took it as a joke and didn't kick us out." Anne yells at Mason.

"What? I just thought I should put my thoughts out open. I don't know about you guys but I don't want to be boiled alive just so that the witch can have some soup." Mason answers.

"Your crazy. This is not a fairy tail." Leo tries to reason.

"Exactly and how dare you offer me as bait?" Rose glares at Mason.

"I thought since you are the most bitchy you would be spicy. And witches have a taste for spice. And since I am a nice guy the witch wouldn't have a taste for me." He answers matter-of-factly.

"Yeah I mean who would drink a cup of Masoup. It sound sick but Rosoup does have an appeal to it." Kat agrees.

"See, I rest my case." Mason says, smugly.

"See what? We can't possibly listen to a crazy persons opinion or reason with a crazy person. God! Why did your dad's have to drop you." I grunt, frustrated.

"Hey!" Kat and Mason of whine. Before either if them could intervene the old lady returns with a tray of glasses that's filled with water. Anne quickly goes and takes the tray from the old lady. She offers her thanks and apologizes about the trouble that we imposed on the kind old lady. The old lady brushes it off and smiles warmly at Anne. We all take the glass gratefully and gulp the water down shamelessly. I wonder if we looked like wanderers in a desert lost, in search of water and finally found an oasis which is not a mirage.

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