Chapter 20: Witch Out Of Nowhere.. O.o

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Kat p.o.v

We finally reach our car after an hour long run away from the club. Panting hard we all stare at each other before laughing.

"Oh my cheese! Did you see the look on the manager's face?" I ask them.

"Oh, the smoke coming out of his ears was hilarious." Leo answers.

"Swears him right, that pervert." Anne says.

"I agree but damn girls, what the he'll were you thinking?" Ryan asks.

"That the manager is a pervert." Rose pants.

"No I mean making us strip." Ryan clarifies.

"That we needed some quick money and don't tell me you guys didn't enjoy it." Anne challenges.

"Fine we enjoyed it." The boy's admit.

"It's getting late." Rose points out. We all look at the sky and sure enough it was getting darker by the minute.

"Shit, we have to find a place to stay for the night." Mason swears.

"You don't say, do you see any place where we can stay out here?" Rose asks Mason.

"Actually.." Anne starts. We all turn towards her, she has this faraway look in her eyes.

"What is it Anne?" I ask her.

"Well, this place isn't too far away from the city and.." Anne gets interrupted by Ryan.

"Thanks a lot nav guide we didn't notice it at all." Ryan says while rolling his eyes.

"If you would just shut up and listen I was saying that don't these places usually have some cottages? You know like the get away cottage." She finishes. That's when it clicks.

"Yeah there usually is." I nod.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Leo yells.

"Wait, what about our luggage? Shouldn't we take it with us?" I ask them.

"Right. We can't leave it out here god knows what will happen let's grab our luggage and be on our way." Anne nods.

"But what about my car?" Ryan pouts. Raging hormones calm the cheese down!

"What about it? No one is going to steal a not-working-at-all-car." I say, glaring at his car. It might be a classics but it sure didn't live up to it.

"Take that back." Ryan gasps.

"And if I don't?" I challenge.

"Guys c'mon we don't have time to bicker about each other let's just go." Rose whine. I huff out a breath and grab my bag out of his trunk. He follows suit.

"I'm so sorry baby, daddy will be back soon." Ryan soothingly pats his cars hood as though assuring him of his presence. I roll my eyes at that.

"I have a mooncheese who would feel left out too why don't you assure that one as well?" I ask him, sarcasm overloaded in my words.

"Hardy har-har your so funny, Jerry." Ryan fake laughs.

"I know I'm hilarious. If I was a guy I would so marry me." I state walking away.

"Figures. Seeing as no one in their right mind would marry you." He comments.

"You didn't." I say, turning around with the full heat of my death glare pointed at him.

"I did." He challenges. Ugh! Why do I like this guy again? Because he is very sweet and lovable and not to forget handsome. Shut up brain!

"Would you two cut it out already." Rose yells from ahead. "We have to walk a lot and a little peace and quiet would be nice since I already have to carry three heavy bags." Rose yells.

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