Chapter 3: Lets Play Tug Of War With A Crow ;P

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I open the door, still smilling and walk inside. I find my mom sitting on the couch all by her lonesome .

"Hey mom." I say walking towards her. I place a kiss on her cheek and sit down beside her. "I thought you said that you would be coming home late today. What happend?" I ask her.

"Yeah honey im only here for a while. I had to tell you something important so I came back home early." She admits, sounding nervous.

"Okay, so what is it?" I ask her.

"You remember how I was searching for a new home, for a while now?" She asks me. I nod and she continues "Well I found the perfect home. Its right next to my boss's house near the woods in the Hemingtons Lane. Would you like to move there?" She asks me. Now I get why she is so nervous, she's afraid that I wouldnt like to move. I wouldnt have if we were moving to another state leaving everything behind, my friends, my home, Ryan (What?? Since when did you not know that I am absolutely crazy about him?) but since we are not I dont see any problem in moving.

"Sure mom. When are we moving?" I ask her.

"In..uh 3 hours?" She admits, sheepishly. I blink at that. Did I hear right? 3 hours? Holy mother of cheese!

"3 hours? But we have so much to pack." I say, shocked.

"Im sorry hun, it was really hard to find the perfect house so we have to move out today or else the realtor will sell the house to another client." My mom apologizes.

"Its okay mom. Lets go pack." I say. We both rush to our rooms to pack.

3 1/2 hours later.

We finally bring all the boxes inside our new home. The house is way better than the house we used to live in. My room is bigger and better with a closet and an attached bathroom. I already am in love with it.

"Well that was the last box." My mom claims.

"Oh thank god! I dont think I have ever worked so hard and so fast for anything in my life. Ever!" I proclaim, dead tired.

"Okay hun, I need to get back to my work now. I'll try coming home as soon as I can. Meanwhile you can unpack or order something from the take out. Your rooms on the first floor. Its the only room up there. Or you can go exploring around the house if you like." My mom suggests, grabbing her bag.

"Yeah mom, Okay." I nod at her.

"Okay, bye hun." She calls out after pecking my cheeks and before walking out.

"Oh well. I'll order a pizza." I say out loud to no one in particular. After ordering the pizza I decide to carry all my things into my room. I grab a box and take it upstairs. I do the same to the rest of my boxes. After placing the last box in my room the door bell rings.

"Who is it?" I yell outloud.

"Pizza delivery." I go downstairs grabbing a 20 dollar bill from my bag, and open the door.

"Hi, your pizza ma'am, it will be 15.60$." Pizza delivery guy tells me. I hand him the cash and take the box from his hand.

"Keep the change." I tell him before closing the door. I take the box upstairs to my room and place the box on the window seat. Did I mention I have a window that has a seat attached to it and the window doesnt have bars, its like a full open thing. I love it. I open the window and sit taking a slice of the pizza.

While eating the slice something catches my eyes outside the window. My eyes open  wide as I realize  what it is. Ryan Rider, wearing nothing accept a towel wrapped around his waist. Holy cheese, im neighbours with none other than Ryan Rider, and his room is right opposite of mine. And he is half naked right now. I lean over a bit farther to see clearly. And whatdya know, I have leant a bit too far and now im falling. "Aaah!!" I scream. Thankfully, there are bushes around to break my fall. I land on a bush quite hardly. "Ow!!" Damn bitter cheese I have scratches all over my body. Shoot you thorns, I'm gonna chop you first thing in the morning.

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