Chapter 19: Did You Say Stuck Or Strip??: Part 1

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Kat p.o.v

I can't believe we are stuck in the middle of nowhere!!

"I can't believe we are stuck in the middle of nowhere!!" Anne voices out my thought.

"Neither can we. But not believing doesn't make this unreal." Leo states.

"Can someone tell me what in the name of cheese is wrong with this car?" I ask.

"Dunno. A mechanic should come and check it. But this place doesn't have a fucking signal for me to call a tow truck." Ryan claims.

"Convenient. Open the hood ill check what's wrong meanwhile you get in and start the engine when I tell you to." I say.

"Your going to fix it?" Ryan asks.

"No, a fairy godmother is going to." I say, sarcastically, while rolling my eyes. "Just unlock the hood." I tell him.

"Fine." He says before getting inside the car and pushing some buttons and finally the hood unlocks. I open the hood and black smoke puffs out. I cough and try clearing it out with my hands.

"Start the car." I instruct and he follows. The engine roars before shutting down. I check the engine and everything.

"So, did you find out, what's wrong with the car?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah, its the carborater." I tell him.

"Can you fix it?" Mason asks.

"Sure, with my tools." I tell him.

"Okay, where are your tools?" Mason asks.

"At Ed's Motor Works." I tell.

"But that's in the city." Mason states.

"Obviously genius." I say, before rolling my eyes. I close the trunk at the same time as Ryan, getting out of the car.

I walk towards them. They all look at me and start laughing.

"What? Why are you laughing?" I ask them.

"Omg, your face." Rose points. I touch my face.

"What's wrong with my face?" I ask.

"Look for yourself." Ryan says, gesturing towards his car. I walk towards the car. I look at my face and find black smudge on my face. I try wiping it with my hands.

"Do anyone of you have a handkerchief?" I ask. All of them nod a no. "What happened to chivalry?" I ask.

"It died in late 1950's" Ryan snickers. "I have tissues in the car."

"Then give it to me." I tell him. He opens the car and takes out a box of tissues and hands it to me. I take it and wipe my face. The smudge finally disappears.

"Finally." I exclaim.

"Guys. Its been 2 hours. There is no sign of any car. What are we going to do?" Leo wails.

"I have a plan." Anne says. We all look at her.

"I think we should head out and find someone or something that is going to help us." She explains.

"That sounds good." Mason agrees.

"Okay, me, Kat and Rose will head towards north and while you three head south." Anne says.

"Who's going to watch the car?" Ryan asks.

"No one, incase you haven't noticed, there hasn't been any sign of civilisation for 2 hours and who would want to steal your not-working-stupid-car and we don't have single penny on us for us to be robbed." Anne says.

"Its not stupid." Ryan pouts.

"Whatever. Can we go now?" Anne asks. We all nod and head to our designated place.


We have been walking for half an hour now. I'm tired." I complain.

"Not yet. We still didn't find any place of civilisation yet." Anne says.

"C'mon Anne. Even I'm tired." Rose complains, sitting down on the road. I sit next to her.

"C'mon you guys. We'll search for another 5 minutes and then take rest. Just a little bit more." Anne says pointing ahead. "Guys do you see that?" Anne asks, pointing ahead. We look and find a building.

"Civilisation, finally." I say, jumping up. We walk closer to the building.

"Is that..." Rose trails off.

"Uh huh." Me and Anne both confirm.


Ryan p.o.v

Its been an hour since we parted ways to go on a manhunt and after coming to the conclusion that there were only trees trees and more trees we realised that there is no sign of people as far as we can see. 15 minutes back we arrived near our car and the girls have been a no show since. We have been trying to get in contact with them due to lack of cellphone service we aren't able to reach them.

"This is bullshit. Lets go search for them. What if their lost? Or worse something bad happened to them." Mason says.

"That's it. We are going to find them." I decide.

"No need. The princesses are back from the ball." Leo says, pointing ahead. I look up and find the girls walking towards us.

"You mean two princesses and one Barbie." Mason states.

"Dude, stop it before I bash your face in." Leo says. Mason raises his hands up in surrender.

"Hey guys." Kat calls.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" I ask them.

"We were searching for civilisation and you would be happy to know that we found one." Anne answers.

"Really? Where?" All of us ask.

"Down the road." Rose says.

"Then lets go." Mason says, already walking down the road. We all follow behind him.

"So what is this place?" Leo asks.

"Oh its a..." Before Kat can finish her sentence Anne intervenes.

"You'll see." She says, giving us a secret smile.

"What she means is, that you guys should see for yourself." Rose explains. The three of them were giving us this creepy smile that frankly scared the shit out of me.

"O-kay!" I say, suspiciously. After walking for half an hour we finally reach our destination. We all stare at the building with our mouth wide open.

What the...????

A/N Where do you think they are? I'm sorry for leaving in a cliffhanger. You guys are welcome to guess what happens next. Till my next update. ;P

I wanted to let you guys know that the updates will be slow due to my exam. Ill try to update soon. Till then my friends, vote lots and comment lots.

xoxoxoxo Daydreamz107 :)

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