Chapter 16: On Top Of You : Bonus

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Special Bonus chapter for you guys. Especially for Lanne lovers. Hope you guys love it. Fingers crossed. Now you can dig in.


Anne p.o.v

I walk into the kitchen slowly and cautiously. I look around and find it empty. I turn around to walk out out but someone grabs me from behind.

"Let me go." I yell. And when it doesn't I yell louder. "Let me go, or I swear to god, ill hurt you." I warn. When it still doesn't let go I use all my strength to throw the thing that's been holding me over my body. When I hear the thing/person falls I stand on top of it and drop down on it. I lean closer and find out that this indeed is a person wearing a skeleton costume.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" I ask in a sing song voice. "I knew it was a prank. Lets see who it Is shall we?" I ask, to which the person shakes its head no. "I have to know who the person is." I say sweetly. "Before I give him or her a painfull death." I say, smiling maliciously. I lean my hand towards the person, ready to pull the mask of his or her face. Before I can I hear a wolf whistle.

"This escalated quickly." A voice says.

"Damn girl, you work fast." Another voice says. I recognise the voice instantly.

"Ryan? Mason? Is that you?" I ask.

"Yup it is. We found them wearing skeleton costumes." Kat says.

"Uh huh. Now you can get off of my brother". Rose says.

"Your brother?" I ask her. The lights come back on, and I finally see the persons face. The person had removed his mask and it was none other than Leo.

"Leo?" I ask.

"Hey Anne." He replies sheepishly.

"What the hell?" I ask confused.

"Leo was the one who planned this prank in the first place." Rose says.

"I swear to cheese Leo if this was the revenge for the itching shirt thing I will kill you." Kat threatens.

"Hehe. It wasn't really about the prank you played Kat." He answers.

"Then what was it about?" I ask him.

"Well I was pissed at my little sister here." He says.

"Just by 2 minutes." Rose yells.

"Yea yea. Anyways I wanted to scare her and since you two were here too I thought why not?" He says.

"You asshole. Do you have any idea how scared we were?" Rose yells at him.

"That was the point." Mason states.

"Who asked you, dufus?" She asks Mason.

"No one. But I thought why not piss little Barbie here." He says, riling her up.

"Who are you calling Barbie, dufus?" She says.

"You ofcourse." He says.

"Would you two shut up?" Ryan yells.

"Oh c'mon, you love it when I talk don't you Ryan-poo." Mason says in a girly tone.

"Shut up Leo." Ryan yells.

"Oh c'mon babe. You know I love you." Mason says. We all stare at him while he goes and clings to Ryans shoulder.

"Let go of me." Ryan yells.

"Oh c'mon baby. I know you love it." Mason says caressing Ryans arm.

"I knew they were gay. "Rose states.

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