Chapter 26: Curiosity Killed The Cat And Out Came The Rat From The Bag! :'(

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Kat p.o.v

I wake up to find myself still asleep and on the lap of the one and only Ryan Rider. I quickly get up careful not to wake him up and slowly leave the house as it was the break of dawn. I enter my house and head towards my bedroom. Once inside I plop myself on the bed and stare at the calender on a table next to my bed. 11 November 2015. I sigh and decide to miss school for today and spend the whole day at home sleeping.


Ryan p.o.v

It was a boring day today. I hate to admit it but I missed my little Jerry a lot. I remember both of us falling asleep together but when I woke up she was gone. I missed her today at school too. She didn't come today I saw her friends around though and I even asked Leo about her but he was quick to change the topic which was weird but I decided to ignore it. She must be sick or so. I reach home and find my mom and baby sister watching Tangled again. I swear my sister was obsessed with this movie. I drop my bag beside the couch and head towards the kitchen and after pouring myself a glass of water I head out and sit beside my sister.

"Hey honey, how was school?" Mom asks me.

"Good. What are you doing him so early?" I ask her.

"Oh you see I had no patients today and Kat's mother Rita was on leave. I was bored so I decided to come home." My mom answers.

"Oh. Kat was on leave today too." I tell her.

"Oh so you missed her?" My mother teases.

"How did you know?" I blurt out but soon realise what just came out of my mouth. "I-I mean what makes you think that." I correct but I knew the damage was done.

"I am you're mother I know everything when it comes to you." She says.

"Oh um, so tell me Mia why Tangled?" I quickly change the topic my mother just chuckles at my lame attempt.

"Because Flynn is hot." Mia answers. I look at her with shock.

"What?" I ask her not believing my ears. My 6 year old baby sister just called Flynn hot!

"Yeah he is." Mia says smiling.

"That's it no more Tangled for you." I say.

"Mom!" Mia complains.

"Ryan, don't trouble her and it is not a big deal." My mother says.

"Not a big deal? Are you fu-" My mom gives me the look. You know, the complete-that-sentence-i-dare-you sort of look. "I mean are you trying to be funny. She is 6 mom and she just called a guy hot." I tell her.

"Be glad that she called a cartoon character hot and not a real breathing boy." My mom says.

"It always starts with cartoon mom." I tell her.

"Just take a break will you. Go out with you're friends. Do something productive. I don't care I want you're overreacting butt out of here." She says.

"Fine, but don't tell me later on that I didn't warn you." I tell her as I walk out and dial Leo's number.

"Hello?" His voice says through the receiver.

"Leo, my mom kicked me out so lets do something I'm going to call the boys." I tell him.

"Sure, be there in a few minutes." Leo answers. I drop the call and drive my bike away.


It was around 12am that I reached home. Me and the boys had gone out bowling and had a blast and soon we were all tired and the manager had to kick us out. I was walking home after parking my bike in the garage when I notice a figure climbing down from Kat's room through her window using the tree near by. I hide myself and watch the figure closely. It was covered in all black and had a hood covering its face and was carrying a shoulder bag around. A thief! I slowly follow the thief and watch it walk towards and abandoned bill board and haul itself up to it. I stand behind a lamp post careful not to be seen. The figure puts its bag down and crouched down beside it. It pulls out what looks like a paint can and starts painting on the billboard with sprays and paint. It was drawing something. I look closely and realise it had a familiar look to it and that's when I realise that it was the graffiti artist DD. I couldn't believe my luck.

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