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I was too quick to judge Connor. He's actually super cool. After Eddie's little act in the coffee shop a few days ago, we haven't spoken, so I've been hanging out with Stanley a lot more. Meaning, I've been spending a lot of time with Connor. He told me that he said those things to me when we were younger because he was in the closet and scared of Henry finding out. So, he said he'd make it up to be by buying me a drink. His idea of an apology date. It's happening tonight and then tomorrow I'm seeing my parents and my sister.

I look at myself in the mirror. I've tried to make myself look as presentable as possible for my first date ever. But I'm sure I just look like I usually do. Which is trash. I've got an old worn out Guns n Roses T-shirt on which is tucked into some black ripped jeans. I'm wearing a flannel fleece ontop of that as it's getting colder as it reaches November. It literally Halloween next week. One of the sororities is hosting a Halloween party and everyone on campus is invited. I'm excited.

As soon as I leave my dorm to head to Connor and Stan's, I get out a cigarette and light it up. I take a long drag and exhale. I blame my sister for my nicotine addiction. She wasn't the greatest influence growing up, considering at age 17, she gave her 12 year old brother cigarettes that he later shared with his best friend Beverly from the ages of 13-18. Bev's always been my smoking partner as soon as Rachel went off to college.

One time, Rachel and I were home alone and we were sat on her windowsill smoking and mom and dad caught us because they came home early. I was grounded for a week and Rachel was grounded for two months. They don't really mind anymore. They've given up trying to get us to stop.

It's awkward at first meeting Connor for this date. He's dressed kind of similar to me except he has a queen t-shirt on. We laugh slightly and head to a bar on campus. We're underage, but Connor is friends with the guy who owns the place so we get alcohol.

I'm not sure how I feel about going on a date with Connor. He's cool and everything, but I just cannot get that incident in the arcade out of my head.

"You do know I really am sorry about the arcade thing." He says, as if he can read my mind. I smile and take a swig of my vodka and coke.

"It's fine." I lie and he smiles. He is very attractive. I am attracted to him, I will admit, but I still feel like I couldn't fall in love with him.

We spend a lot of the night talking and dancing on the dance floor. Connor is very handsy as he dances and I honestly don't mind it. I feel more myself than I ever have. I'm finally comfortable in my own skin. Connor edges closer to me and suddenly we're making out. Just like that, I've had my first kiss and it wasn't with who I was expecting.

"Richie!" Mom cheers the next afternoon as I enter the house with my laundry. I hug her and then she takes it from me, both of us joining my dad in the kitchen. He's making a big family dinner considering Rachel is bringing someone over. I guess she's got a new boyfriend. Anyone would be better than Adam the car sales creep. I don't even know how she got with him. She hasn't had a new car since she was 16. She is a much better driver than me.

"How is everything?" Dad asks and he's making his famous homemade burgers and fries. I love my dad.

"Good. I, uh, went on a date last night." I say. Nothing much happened after Connor and I kissed. So basically what I'm trying to say is that I still have my virginity. I wasn't that drunk.

"Oh, so is there going to be a boyfriend soon?" Mom asks. I shrug. I really don't know. But, Connor asked me to be his date to the Halloween party.

Just before I answer, there's a knock at the door. Mom rushes off to answer it. I'm so excited to see my sister. I really have missed her a lot. She walks in, looking like her usual badass self. Rachel is the reason I brought my leather jacket. She wears them all the time. She rocks a leather jacket with a low cut black T-shirt and some black ripped jeans. She also has her septum pierced. She is awesome. Behind her, a girl walks in with a completely different vibe to Rachel. She has long, curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes and she's wearing a pink floral dress.

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